Launches Free White Paper, a website owned and published by Business Communication Group, L.L.C. (BCG), has launched a white paper titled, Mobile Marketing Strategy-New Tool in Town, that is a free download for anyone who visits the site. Launches Free White Paper, a website owned and published by Business Communication Group, L.L.C. (BCG), has launched a white paper titled, Mobile Marketing Strategy-New Tool in Town, that is a free download for anyone who visits the site.

The paper, written by Christina Stone and Sarah Goughnour, provides information on mobile
delivery channels such as m-commerce, mobile applications and mobile web and delivery tools including short messaging services, text advertising, text alerts, multimedia messaging services andquick response codes (QR codes).

Dr. Vijay Krishna, a managing partner at BCG and professor of advertising at Indiana University, states
"This white paper provides a good understanding of the state of the mobile marketing strategy for small businesses, it is especially useful for those that are getting ready to set up their first mobile marketing campaign".

The white paper may be downloaded at by clicking on the white paper link located on the upper right corner of the home page.

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### is owned by Business Communication Group, LLC., a highly-regarded network of independent
busi¬ness communication professionals. The group has worked with leading corporations-public and
private-across the nation, solving sophisticated marketing and public relations problems. Every member
of Bizceos has many years of agency, corporate or journalism experience. Our team approach is one of
partnership to achieve a client's business objectives cost effectively through integrated marketing
and public relations programs. Bizceos has the size, breadth and talent to provide senior management
counsel at the highest levels. We have the expertise to design and implement major campaigns for both
domestic and international clients, in virtually all major business sectors. BCG was established in
2003 by Neil Kuvin, Bob Dittmer and Dr.Vijay Krishna.


Tags: advertising, marketing, Mobile Marketing, public relations, white papers

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