BizDb Already Available on the Web

BizDb is an innovative, practical online business catalogue of all the firms situated on the Isles. It provides its user with all kinds of exhaustive and up-to-date information on each company's location and market performance.

BizDb fills the niche in the multitude of various business databases. This comprehensive company directory comprises more than an average catalogue does. The aspects in which BizDb improves on the existing business cataloguing resources, are the content of an individual company page, the scope of enterprises overviewed, and the ease and functionality of use, to name only the major upgrades. Impressive amount of data, intuitional search tools, and the user-friendly presentation of the information render every search effective, fast and simple.

Kinds of data

Being an all-inclusive database of companies from all over the UK, BizDb does not miss out on any big or small enterprise. Any existing firm in the country has its separate page containg, first and foremost, its full contact data which are timely updated. This section includes more than just addresses and phone numbers; official company webpages, both past and present ones, emails and geographic location presented visually complement the standard scope of the data. Apart from access information, BizDb delivers financial statistics depicting every company's overall market performance. Detailed information provided in this part is organised under the headings of "profit and loss", "balance sheet", and "capital and reserves" followed by some additional economic data. Moreover, all the statistics are kept up-to-date and documented by the annual reports listed at the bottom of every page. Some other elements of the profiles are company age and former names, its SIC codes, legal status, category and number, and the closest neighbouring firms. Finally, a glimpse of the corporate structure is provided to make every firm still more transparent to the user.

Innovative and traditional search alternatives

Another innovation in which the webpage is furnished is the search engine with filters allowing for fast, effective and intuitive sieving out of the results. Being just as easy to use as an ordinary search tool, it creates the opportunity to reach a desired company profile even if you forgot its name, or to get to know which branch a particular firm works in. Both these functions are associated with the SIC code filter but you can also search for any enterprise by its location by town, or its postal code, status or category. To your convenience, the engine lets you also set the number of results displaying per search. Even though using BizDb engine is a child's play, for those used to traditional paper catalogues the webpage offers an alternative: an A-Z list of all the registered companies.

Data interpretation at hand

If the notion of professional economic analyses gives you a headache, BizDb's care to make the data understandable to everyone should inspire a sigh of relief. For those unfamiliar with the financial and legal jargon, explanation clouds accompanying every term briefly translate its meaning into an average user's language. Thanks to these your independent interpretation of the statistics is made easy. If details are of little interest to you, on top of the financial section there is a short description and a graphic illustration of the major over-time tendencies of the company market performance. Other visual helps include Google Maps and Street View facilitating the precise localisation of any firm. Finally, all the information is organised lucidly and unravells along general-to-specific pattern, rendering the profiles easy to navigate and specific pieces of data quick to find.

Made for everybody

As is indicated by the ease of use and the comprehensibility of the data on the one hand, and the professional content on the other, BizDb directory is designed for everyone. Both specialists and laypeople will find it a satisfying resource, and even the pen and paper users will appreciate its easy and functional search tools. Being a basic source of information for clients, BizDb allows job seekers and potential business partners to assess particular companies' economic situation and contact the right people. It is also worth noting that comprising firms from all over the country, the catalogue serves users inhabiting central as well as peripheral locations, cities and small towns. For small companies, BizDb is a way to equalise the their chances on the market with those of bigger corporations.

BizDb is an innovative, practical online business catalogue of all the firms situated on the Isles. It provides its user with all kinds of exhaustive and up-to-date information on each company's location and market performance, including historical and complete contact data. Fast and easy to use, comprehensive and, above all, functional, BizDb addresses the needs of all its potential users.


Tags: business directory, company search, English companies

About BizDb

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Monica Wells
Press Contact, BizDb
120 Shaftesbury Ave
United Kingdom