BJ Energy Solutions and Comstock Resources Enter Into Three-Year TITAN™ Next-Generation Fracturing Services Agreement

BJ Energy Solutions

BJ Energy Solutions (the "Company") has entered into a fracturing services agreement to provide Comstock Resources with its TITAN™ next-generation fracturing technology.  A TITAN fleet will be deployed to Comstock's Haynesville operation in early 2022, representing the Company's second TITAN fleet in the basin.

This contract will support Comstock's completions program over the next three years. With the deployment of a 100 percent natural gas-powered TITAN fleet, the Company will work closely with Comstock to improve greenhouse gas emissions and overall well economics through the elimination of diesel fuel use, well site minimization, and improved operational efficiencies.

"We have taken considerable time to evaluate BJ's next-generation technology. The TITAN solution will provide a substantial contribution toward Comstock's CO2e and methane reduction goals while also improving our economics. We are thrilled to be working with BJ on this initiative," comments Dan Harrison, Comstock's Chief Operating Officer.

"BJ Energy and Comstock have a longstanding relationship and we are excited about this next chapter of innovation. We are pleased to have the opportunity to partner with Comstock, an early adopter in progressing environmental stewardship," says Caleb Barclay, Chief Operating Officer, BJ Energy Solutions. "This latest development further demonstrates BJ's ongoing commitment to the Haynesville."

About BJ Energy Solutions

With almost 150 years of rich history in serving our clients across North American oil and natural gas basins, BJ is committed to providing innovative technologies to supporting sustainability and emission reductions. For more information, please visit our website at

About Comstock

Comstock Resources is a leading independent natural gas producer with operations focused on the development of the Haynesville Shale in North Louisiana and East Texas. For more information, please visit Comstock's website at

Media Contact:

Lindsey Word


[email protected]

Source: BJ Energy Solutions


Tags: BJ Energy, Caleb Barclay, Comstock Resources, Dan Harrison, Fracturing, Greenhouse gas emissions, Haynesville, Innovation, natural gas, TITAN