BKD To Present At Texas College For Judicial Studies

BKD Forensics & Valuation Services, a division of BKD, LLP, is pleased to announce that Todd Burchett will be presenting for the Civil Track at the 2012 Texas College for Judicial Studies.

BKD Forensics & Valuation Services, a division of BKD, LLP, is pleased to announce that Todd Burchett will be presenting for the Civil Track at the 2012 Texas College for Judicial Studies. His presentation "Reviewing the Expert's Report: Top Five Questions for the Business Appraiser," will focus on where business appraisers need to look first, current reporting standards, critical valuation principals and how to quickly identify common errors.

Burchett has more than 20 years of experience providing client solutions in consulting, accounting and tax matters. He has performed business valuations for a variety of purposes including gift and estate tax, business planning, succession planning and for solvency purposes in bankruptcy.

In addition to being a CPA, Burchett holds the Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) and Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) certifications from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and has served on the AICPA Business Valuations Committee. He also is an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) with the American Society of Appraisers, a member of the ASA International Board of Examiners and currently serves as the San Antonio Chapter president. He also is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Turnaround Management Association and American Bankruptcy Institute. He has made numerous presentations in the area of financial analysis and business valuations to various organizations nationwide.

The presentation will take place on April 11, 2012 from 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center, Austin, TX.

BKD Forensics & Valuation Services, a division of BKD, LLP, have been assisting organizations and attorneys for more than 80 years, regarding fraud investigations, litigation support, and damage calculations, as well as business valuations, computer forensics and electronic data discovery.

BKD Forensics & Valuation Services include Business Interruption Claims, Business Valuations, BKD Forensics Institute, Computer Forensics, Fraud Investigation & Prevention, Litigation Support and Strategic Insolvency & Bankruptcy.


Tags: BKD, business appraisers, CPA, Judicial Studies, Texas College, valuation principals

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Dane Ryals
Press Contact, BKD, LLP
910 E. St. Louis Street
Suite 300
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