Blackburn Group Inc.'s MSA Gains an Industry Leading Medicare Set-Aside Approval Ratio

Blackburn Group Inc.'s MSA, are pleased to announce they have achieved an industry leading Medicare Set-Aside Approval ratio within the worldwide insurance industry.

Rochester, NY. USA 01/11/10- Blackburn Group Inc.'s MSA, Enterprise Risk and Claim Management partners are pleased to announce that we have gained an industry leading 98.6% MSA (Medicare Set-Aside) approval ratio as of January 2010. Further, it only takes the firm between 35-60 days on average to obtain an approval from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service (CMS). Bob Blackburn says, "We're very pleased to be able to provide these phenomenal results to our clients. With our teams' exemplary service, sound judgment and guidance on behalf of our clients, I'm sure we will be able to achieve these results for many years to come."

Robert Blackburn founded Blackburn Group, Inc. in 1991 as a company specializing in marketing products and services for the risk, insurance, and claim management fields. At the time of the company's inception, Mr. Blackburn designed and developed a specialized risk management information system with associated services called RiskPro to analyze and manage an organization's operational and human resource risks. Currently, the business platform manages $160 Billion in assets and 300,000 claims valued at $3.5 Billion in North America, South America, Europe and the Far East.

Please be sure to visit our website today at: as well as call us or email immediately at: [email protected] or Robert J. Blackburn, (585) 586-4530.


Tags: Adjusters, Claims, Medicare Set-Asides

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Robert Blackburn
Press Contact, Blackburn Group Inc.
Blackburn Group Inc.
1163 Pittsford Victor Road Suite 120
Pittsford, NY 14534
United States