Blanca Noel Teaches How to Heal Yourself and Others in a Unique Energy Healing Course | Encinitas/San Diego

Yoga teachers, nurses, massage therapists, health professionals, this course connects their healing gifts by learning Soul Dialoging - a transformative hands on healing technique developed by Blanca Noel. Blanca is internationally well known for her incredible work with cancer patients and others who are chronically ill. No specific belief systems or obvious psychic gifts necessary.

Re-discover Your Healing Powers and Intuitive Senses, Heal Yourself and Others with Soul Dialoging​, 22 Hour Course Starting August 21 with Blanca Noel, The Soul of Yoga/Soul of Yoga Institute, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, Ca, 760-943-7685, $400 Register Now

Blanca Noel is now offering her world renown in-depth 22 hour course - Soul Dialoging - that has produced transformative results in healing centers around the world.  No preconceptions, beliefs, or inherent psychic gifts necessary! This learnable skill bypasses our conscious limitations to access a deeper source of healing intelligence that we all possess. 

"I am committed to helping my clients regain their natural state of optimum health. My mission is to clear the way so they can enjoy the blissful state of well-being in body, mind, and spirit that is their birthright."

-Blanca Noel

Soul Dialoging training will develop participants sensitivity to their own vibrational presence and then expand their perceptions to be conscious of the vibrations of everything else in the universe – plants, animals, crystals and humans. Students will learn to notice physical changes that can cause disease when this universal energy is disrupted, blocked or out of alignment. Students will be shown techniques to work the energy field in and around the body to return energy back into flowing healthy balance, increasing the potential for healing to occur. Soul Dialoging will connect participants to their true inherent healing abilities and intuitive senses. 

Blanca Noel
Blanca spent 45 years studying alternative healing modalities including the use of healing stones. She has incorporated the most effective of these techniques into her Soul Dialoging training. Using her keen intuition to perceive energy disruptions and a careful blend of these therapies, Blanca has helped hundreds of clients over a span of over four decades.


Tags: Body, Energy Healing, Healing, Mind, Natural, Nursing, Soul of Yoga, Spirit, Vibrational Healing, Yoga Therapy

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Marcia Frescura
Press Contact, Soul of Yoga
Soul of Yoga
627 Encinitas Blvd
Encinitas, CA 92024
United States