Blue Bite, VeChain and The Fine Art Ledger Unlock End-to-End Transparency and Security With Blockchain

Innovative new blockchain solution finds application for authentication in the art world

Using blockchain to strengthen transparency and security

​​​​​​​​​Blockchain today enables valuable security and transparency across a wide variety of business applications, including supply chain tracking, product authentication, management platforms and more — moving far beyond the technology’s more commonly known financial applications. VeChain and Blue Bite are partnering to offer a best-in-class solution, combining the power of blockchain and context-based mobile content to deliver new use cases and personalized consumer experiences.

VeChain, a blockchain application platform, unlocks business value for over 1,000 enterprise clients by using blockchain where secure information and access are required. For instance, supply chains — from sourcing through to the consumer — often need to be securely accessible to a large number of separate parties, including competitors. Blockchain makes this possible by creating fully secure, centralized data sets.

“VeChain is the leader in using blockchain to create trusted ecosystems between consumers and brands,” said Jason Rockwood, General Manager, VeChain Americas. “Blue Bite is the leader in NFC-enabled consumer-to-brand experiences. Blue Bite’s storytelling capabilities, combined with the immutability of a public ledger, create a compelling, exciting and valuable solution for customers.”

Blue Bite powers consumer connections by transforming everyday physical things into a digital platform. Tapping an NFC-enabled product — like a jacket, shoe, piece of jewelry or artwork — with a phone launches a contextual digital experience designed to scale with integrations. Powerful on their own, these experiences become even more valuable when secured with blockchain.

“We’ve always had a singular focus on delivering the most engaging consumer experiences through our platform, but we know that such a big task is impossible to accomplish alone,” said Mikhail Damiani, CEO & Co-Founder of Blue Bite. “We’ve strategically created a robust open framework that enables us to integrate with industry leaders like Vechain, allowing us to focus on what we do best while offering our customers a complete end-to-end solution.”

For example, The Fine Art Ledger, the blockchain-driven fine art management platform, works with Blue Bite to deliver its fine art certificates of authenticity to artists, collectors, galleries and art fairs through NFC tags installed directly on the artwork frame. 

Blue Bite facilitates the creation and customization of “Fine Art Experiences,” which include the blockchain record of the work. By tapping the artwork frame, art owners can easily register their works on The Fine Art Ledger, maintaining a digital, blockchain-authenticated catalog of their works and art information; they can also generate certificates of authenticity.

“Not only does The Fine Art Ledger provide easy-to-use security, information, title and cataloging tools for the art owner,” said Sam Miller, Founder of The Fine Art Ledger. “It also provides remarkable opportunities to access and learn about fine art. Thanks to Blue Bite, we are able to deliver customized and rich interactive art experiences directly to people’s phones to really engage and immerse them in art, which can only be an incredible boost for art lovers everywhere.”

The possibilities of blockchain to power secure business applications like those explored by VeChain and Blue Bite, and exemplified by The Fine Art Ledger, are extensive and continue to grow. 

Media Contact

David Rogers
Phone: 866.523.3070
Email: [email protected]

Source: Blue Bite


Tags: art, art gallery, art technology, authentication, blockchain, counterfeit, fine art, near field communication, NFC