Blue Nova Blue Jet Celebrates the launch of "ClassicaTronic", the latest music album from mr.Beyy!
Today, Blue Nova Blue Jet is proud to offer mr.Beyy's latest album, ClassicaTronic, on, available for on-line purchase. Each music piece is a high quality 128-bit WMA file, compatible with most mp3 players and computers.
Online, September 29, 2009 ( - This latest album from mr.Beyy is a blend of Techno and Classical music. This blend provides a unique sound that many have never experienced. Mr.Beyy has been composing music for the last 4 years and even if many of his works were huge hits like: Techno-Logic, The Traveler and Stand Up, this latest album surpasses anything he has produced.
Tags: classical, electronic, instrumental, mp3, music, techno, wma