Blue Skies Recycling Attends Clayton's Green Power Celebration at Shaw Park

Blue Skies Recycling recently attended Clayton's Green Power Celebration at Shaw Park on April 20, 2011. The celebration was held after the city of Clayton achieved Green Power Community status with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The city of Clayton became Missouri's first Green Power Community on April 20, 2011 in celebration of its considerable efforts to promote the use of renewable energy. The community-wide party took place in Shaw Park, and Blue Skies Recycling was there to recycle food waste on site, which will then be turned into compost.

"Blue Skies is very proud of the city of Clayton for taking initiative to reduce its carbon footprint," says owner Harry Cohen. "We just want to do our part to help even more and educate this already green-minded community on yet another recycling initiative."

In order to achieve Green Power Community status with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, at least 2 percent of the city's local government, businesses and residents needed to buy green power such as wind and solar energy. Back in July 2010, Clayton Mayor Linda Goldstein set a goal of Earth Day 2011 to reach Green Power Community status. She beat that goal by a month when Duke Realty Corp, on behalf of their tenants in their South Hanley building, joined in March and pushed Clayton over the 2 percent goal.

Harry hopes that Clayton will continue its recycling progressiveness by composting its food next.

"These residents are so ahead of the curve already when it comes to recycling," Harry says. "We just hope to continue showing its residents even more ways to divert its waste from landfills and instead take that waste and make a beneficial use out of it."


Tags: Blue Skies Recycling, food waste recycling, recycling initiative

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Julie Cleland
Press Contact, Blue Skies Recycling
Blue Skies Recycling
2055 Walton Road, St. Louis Missouri
Saint Louis, MO 63114