Body Mechanics Massage Therapy of Midtown New York Teaches Marathon Preperation Class at Jack Rabbit Sports.

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage New York hosts a class free class on PNF stretching at Jack Rabbit Sports 14th st. in preparation for the upcoming marathon.

Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage New York is hosting a free class for runners and athletes at Jack Rabbit sports union square New York at 7:00 pm on October 23rd 2013. Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage New York is a unique manual therapy studio in Manhattan that works with injured athletes and athletes in training to achieve their goals . This is the second class they will host in with Jack Rabbit Sports 14th street.

Body Mechanics is partnering with Jack Rabbit Sports 14th st (42 W. 14th st)in preparation for the upcoming ING Marathon to help runners prepare for the race by offering a free supportive care. The class coincides with the NYRR (New York Road Runners) training program taper, where athletes will be in the rest period of their training. Many runners are unprepared and untrained for the rigors of running their first marathon and so this class seeks to give runners a place to go where they can find the information that they need.

The class covers-the basic stretches every runner needs, the anatomy that goes with the stretches every runner needs, stretching beyond the basics PNF techniques and what to do with cramps on the go. They will use runners problems for the basis of discussion and field any questions that might come up. The class is open to anyone and is part of an ongoing program to offer free athletic eduction to those in need. For more information you may contact


Tags: class, jack rabbit, marathon, massage, new york, new york marathon, orthopedics, pnf, stretching

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Beret Kirkeby
Press Contact, Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage
Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage
315 Madison Ave.
room 2200
United States