Bodyweight Workouts Vs Lifting Weight To Build Muscle Debate Answered

If one wants to build bigger muscles should they do bodyweight workouts or lift weights?

Many guys looking to build muscle always tend to stick to lifting weights and ignore bodyweight exercises. Doing squats, deadlifts and benchpress are the core of their workouts but what about pullups, dips and pushups? Well, according to some fitness experts, people should not ignore bodyweight workouts but is this a true statement for those males looking to bulk up and gain muscle mass?

According to, "The truth is that it does NOT have to be an "either/or" situation, bodyweight exercises and weight training can actually be combined into the same workout very effectively. BOTH training styles are useful, BOTH can make you very strong, and (in my opinion) BOTH can be a part of your training program... but there are reasons that you might want to choose one over the other depending on your situation."

Convenience is a big reason why people should choose bodyweight workouts. If you are unable to go to the gym everyday, if one is traveling or can not afford to pay membership fees, bodyweight workouts are a good alternative. The bodyweight workouts are great for building strength but one will not be able to build the muscle mass one can from lifting weights says Stan Stevenson of

Combining weights along with bodyweight exercises is the ultimate scenario for building large muscles and gaining strength. To build bigger muscles, the resistance must increase gradually. With weightlifting this is done by adding more weight but with bodyweight exercises one must be more creative.

This is just the beginning of the debate between lifting weights and bodyweight exercises. To find out recommendations on how to combine the two to get maximimum results, read more at brings you the most relevant muscle building workouts, nutrition, best supplement and lifestyle tips for guys looking to build more muscle. Visit the site or go to our Facebook page to get the "Gain 10lbs in 30 Days" free report that was just released.


Tags: bodybuilding, bodyweight exercises, muscles, Weightlifting

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