Book Launch of 'The Mental Patient' Suggests Presidential Campaign to Coincide With 2018 Mid-Term Elections

New novel 'The Mental Patient' by C.P.deSavary describes rent-by-the-hour hotel tycoon who runs for office with the support of mystery backers and persuasive new technology. Launch describes an expected Presidential campaign during the 2018 mid-term elections.

"The Mental Patient" by C.P.deSavary

A new book called “The Mental Patient” by C.P.deSavary, and published by Radeon LLC, describes a Presidential bid by a rent-by-the-hour hotel tycoon, supported by a cadre of sinister foreign forces and new technologies.

The book launch describes the novel’s main character, Rock Rodgers, as intending to run a Presidential campaign during this year’s mid-term elections, suggesting a Presidential vote will be required by an “Acting President Pence.”

The book release announcement says: “Rodgers’ slogan will be 'Get A Grip, America' and his campaign will focus on integrity, prosperity, easy military victories, foreigners, campaign finance reform and improving ties with Kazakhstan.”

The statement also quotes the character Rodgers: “I want America to be as successful as me. I am living proof that we can all recover from intellectual, emotional and economic bankruptcy.” It noted his national chain of Rodgers Lodgers - Best Hourly Rates, for Snappy Dates - was out of receivership, and he was out too.

Rodgers is said to be the “leading American hotel operator” but footnotes admit the survey was taken by people in a rush to get to their rooms.

The launch also referenced a new fund at, which it said was going to set a new bar for transparent financing. Money contributed there will not be for the campaign but for Rodgers’ legal defense fund. “We are skipping the charade and going straight to where the money really will be needed,” explained Rock. “And you get a free book about my life too. I haven’t read it, but I am sure it’s the greatest book ever because it is about me.”

“The Mental Patient” is available in print and e-format at this link “GAG America” t-Shirts and GAGA hats will be sold separately.


Tags: book launch, comic novel, corruption, humor, mid-term elections, politics, President, presidential candidates, presidential race, satire

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