Book Makes Top Relationship Advice Lists
Online, February 13, 2011 ( - Although For Women Only: The Infallible Guide to Getting Your Man was published less than two months ago, it is already capturing the attention of well-watched relationship advice lists.
The book has made the "Top Relationship Advice Books for Women" list by Connor V. James. James has acknowledged the book as part of "My all-time favorite list of the best books about relationship advice for women."
Author MNM is excited to have the book chosen as a top relationship advice guide so soon after publication. "I am honored to have my book chosen for such a prestigious list. The Infallible Guide to Getting Your Man (TIGTGYM) is all about helping women find the love they truly need and so richly deserve. I am truly over the moon that Connor has chosen my book for his list."
In addition to having landed on the "Top Relationship Advice Books for Women," For Women Only: The Infallible Guide to Getting Your Man has also been selected for two lists of relationship books recommended for men: "The Relationship Advice For Men Reading List" and "The Ultimate Relationship Advice for Men Library." Both lists are published by Skye Johnstone.
Asked how a relationship book whose title begins with "For Women Only" could end up on lists of recommended relationship advice books for men, MNM responds with a laugh. "Although I wrote the book for women, much of the advice in the book has universal appeal. Both women and men need to understand how and where to meet prospective mates, how to be a good relationship partner and how to sustain a loving relationship over the long term."
The author admits it is unusual for a book that was released such a short time ago to have already been chosen for three well-publicized relationship lists, but is reluctant to call it an instant classic just yet. "I am very pleased with sales so far, and I am absolutely thrilled about having the books selected for the lists. It is all very encouraging. But the greatest thing about having the books on the lists is being able to let more people know about the wonderful advice in the book. For me, it's far more rewarding to get the word out so the book can help as many people as possible than to have it called a classic."
For Women Only: The Infallible Guide to Getting Your Man includes chapters on preparing yourself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally to begin a man hunt; where to find good men; marketing yourself through online dating; making yourself irresistible to men; sexually satisfying your man; and managing your relationship. There are even chapters on repairing relationships and ending them on your terms.
For Women Only: The Infallible Guide to Getting Your Man is available as a paperback and an ebook on Amazon and in multiple digital formats on Smashwords.
Tags: advice, book, relationship