Launches Refer an Author Program, and Acquires B+ Rating from Better Business Bureau premiers the Refer an Author Program, and discusses their acquired Better Business Bureau rating.

FITCHBURG, WI (09/23/2009) -, one of the leading frontiers of the book marketing industry launches the Refer an Author Program, another beneficial feature for all self-published authors. This is a new program from that would help encourage and flourish the publishing industry.

The Refer an Author Program is created for's former and existing clients. Its primary purpose is to extend gratitude and promote the company's affordable marketing services to other self-published authors.

The Refer an Author Program benefits former and existing clients through a 10% discount reward when referrals decide to sign up for any service. But the rewards don't end there. Referred authors will also receive a reward of 100 Online Directory Listings at no extra charge. Both benefits are simultaneously rewarded every successful referral.

Through the 10% discount, clients can already trim their book marketing budget and save up on costs. While new and referred clients can enjoy further web exposure through the free Online Directory Listing service.

More details about the mechanics and guidelines on Refer an Author Program can be viewed at is still in the process of being accredited with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). However, the company was able to attain a B+ rating from the BBB last April 2009. Better Business Bureau is a corporation that gathers and report information about business reliability. It acts as a mutually trusted intermediary between consumers and business to resolve questions on validity.

Accoring to the official website of Better Business Bureau, a rating of B+ is equivalent to an 87-89.99 rating. As stated on their website, "This rating represents BBB's degree of confidence the business is operating in a trustworthy manner and will make a good faith effort to resolve any customer concerns".

The rating is based by the following 17 elements: Type of Business, Time in Business Competency Licensing, Complaint Volume, Unanswered Complaints, Unresolved Complaints, Serous Complaints, Complaint Analysis, Complaint Resolution Delayed, Failure to Address Complaint Pattern, Government Action, Advertising Review, Background Information, Clear understanding of business, Mediation/arbitration, Accredited Business Status, and Revocation.

As BBB further stated, "Grades are determined by awarding and deducting points for each element and then looking at the resulting score as a percentage of the highest score attainable ("perfect" score)."

About is an online book marketing service company, specializing in providing low-cost, high-quality marketing services for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry books. Through its unique, inexpensive book marketing services, helps authors promote their published works more effectively and connect to readers in a more effective, more efficient system. employs an experienced team of online marketing strategists, ad copywriters, graphic artists, and web designers, whose combined talents ensure an effective online marketing campaign at easily affordable rates.


Tags: author promotion, author referral, book marketing campaign, book marketing program, book promotion, marketing self-published authors, press release, refer an author program, self-published authors


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