Boomer Pays Classmate $5K to Attend Reunion

Classmates from 1971 are returning to their small Georgia town to participate in a high school reunion and production of a reality show entitled I Woke Up Back In High School, financed by one of their most successful classmates.

Students from Thornfield (GA) High School's Class of 1971 will get $5,000 each to attend their reunion next month and participate in a reality show about their high school days entitled I Woke Up Back In High School. The boomer-era students will dress in bellbottoms and miniskirts, with make-up and wigs applied to recreate the 1970s look. Professional actors have been hired to portray deceased students and teachers for the five-day shoot.

The production is the brainchild of T. William Hill, president of Hillcorp Credit Solutions and head of Stryker-Hill Productions based in Santa Monica, California. Called the "king of the subprime credit card" by Fortune magazine in its annual survey of America's wealthy, Hill graduated from the small town high school along with his 152 classmates.

"I've been blessed in so many ways, but I've always felt it was important to give back. That's why I'm paying my classmates to attend the reunion and act in my new TV show," says T. William Hill, show producer.

Pauline Finch, Director of Public Relations

"It's a delight to bring back my friends to film the pilot episode of our new reality TV series, I Woke Up Back In High School. It’s really a dream come true for me," says Hill.

Scheduled activities include sports competitions, dance contests, and a repeat of the 1971 senior prom. A football game between the original Thornfield players and a rival team will conclude the reunion.

New York publishers Palmer & Jaffe will release a coffee table book about the reunion in conjunction with the premiere broadcast. Negotiations with several networks are currently underway, with an expected Spring 2016 broadcast.


Tags: boomers, high school, reunion

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