BorderLAN Provides Anti-Virus Solution for West Des Moines Schools

District makes choice after evaluation determines ESET Anti-Virus speedier, more efficient

In the age of shrinking budgets and aging computers, school districts are forced to start thinking outside the box maintain their network security. "A locked-down and well-managed desktop PC can be over 40% less expensive to maintain than an unmanaged one that fails often and only last a few years," explained Craig Smith of BorderLAN, a nationwide network security provider. "With 70,000 unique pieces of malware variants being identified daily, you need the best anti-virus software you can find."

The West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) - the state's ninth-largest K-12 district, including 14 schools, more than 9,000 students and 1,200 employees - understood. After conducting an independent case study of available Anti-Virus programs, it selected ESET as its exclusive AV system.

Said Scott Crothers, district network engineer, "Most AV systems these days have lost their way and become huge bloat software that does very little, uses more than it should and does not do the primary job it was designed for. We used many of the popular AV's in the past but now we needed one that had two simple requirements: fast boot time and low footprint on local resources."

A WDMCS team launched an evaluation of the three biggest names in anti-virus software ... and just before conducting its tests was introduced to ESET by BorderLAN Network Security.

Identical personal computers were formatted and each loaded with a different AV program. The team timed regular boot cycles, and evaluate boot resources, along with ongoing local resources to gauge the impact of each installation. The winner was ESET -- with a noticeable 45 seconds faster boot.

"Boot speed was important, but only part of the equation," Crothers said. "The next test evaluated the resource usage of the AV systems in background / standby mode and in scan mode. Hands down, ESET not only used half of the resources of its competition, but also completed the scans faster."

Scan technology was also an important factor in the WDMCS case study. "We found ESET to be very proactive in its signature update process for known threats," said Crothers. "Moreover, ESET's heuristics-based scan engine was able to identify threat variants that have morphed from their original known threat signatures. Given the dynamic nature of modern viruses, trojans, spyware, and malware in general, ESET's effective capability to combat zero-day threats made for a clear decision."

Crothers continued, "Prior to ESET, the AV bloatware we were using was causing delays in the classroom and even caused slower application performance due to low resources. We feel we have extended the life of our PCs by using ESET."

"We needed something simple, fast and affordable and BorderLAN delivered. ESET and BorderLAN exceeded our requirements and impressed us further with technical support and helpfulness."

About BorderLAN Inc.
BorderLAN is a California-based nationwide provider of innovative and budget-friendly software, specializing in hassle-free network security solutions for IT and compliance needs as well as deployment assistance. BorderLAN clients include thousands of schools, businesses and government offices.


Tags: Anti Virus, Anti-Virus for Schools, anti-virus software, ESET, ESET for Schools, school software

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Craig Smith
Press Contact, BorderLAN Security
BorderLAN Security
950 Boardwalk St. #300
San Marcos, CA 92078
United States