Bows & Arrows To Join the Combat Sports Revolution

New sport Archery Tag™ combines the thrill of paintball and airsoft with skill set of traditional archery.

Instinct Archery is pleased to announce Archery Tag™, the new phenomenon in friendly combat sports.

"The mission of Instinct Archery is to renew an appreciation for traditional archery," commented Instinct Archery Founder, John Jackson, "We developed Archery Tag™ as a way of generating interest among those who hunt with compound bows, and even non-hunters who might otherwise never even pick up a bow."

And generate interest it has. "We held our first Archery Tag™ event about a month ago, and we were stunned by the response of those who played," added Jackson.

And interest wasn't limited to those who attended the event. The company posted a 1-minute video of the event on YouTube, and in just 3 weeks, it has received nearly 4,000 views. Click the link below to view the video:

Archery Tag™ is played in one of two ways, much like paintball or airsoft. It can be played in an arena environment (as seen in the video) or it can be played "freestyle" in the woods with friends. Each team starts with an equal amount of players & custom-engineered, foam-tipped arrows. Players may pick up and reuse arrows during the game, but if they are shot once, they are out. The last player standing is the winner of the round.

"I have some great memories of hunting with a recurve bow with my grandfather when I was a kid," said Jackson, "It's refreshing to unplug from technology from time to time. To get outside and enjoy nature. It is our hope that Archery Tag™ will motivate kids to put down their video games for a while, go outside, get some exercise, and have a blast doing it."

Archery Tag™ is currently hosting events at select locations, and the company anticipates a national release later this year. To learn more about upcoming events, visit


Tags: airsoft, archery, archery tag, arena, arrow, bow, event, game, Instinct, Paintball, renaissance, sport

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Eric Strong
Press Contact, Instinct Archery
Instinct Archery
P.O. Box 758
Waterloo, IN 46793
United States