Braces: New Trends in Orthodontic Treatment

Many adults dream of beautiful smiles but are concerned about wearing old bulky metal orthodontic braces. With new trends of orthodontic treatment Adults have options. (

According to Dr. Yasser Elseweifi of Bucktown Dental Associates , advanced techniques of orthodontics can move teeth quickly and safely. Results are usually achieved in three to eight months, versus one to three years with traditional braces. Newer techniques include clear aligner invisible braces and fast braces (accelerated orthodontic technique). Treatment addresses the straightening, spacing, closing of gaps and repositioning of front teeth. It improves the smile and helps control gum disease and gum bleeding.

Clear aligner orthodontic treatment, also called invisible braces uses a series of clear custom removable aligners to straighten teeth with no wires or braces. ClearCorrect, similar to invisalign, is a cutting edge orthodontic technique that gently and gradually shifts teeth into pre-planned positions. Because the aligners are removable, they usually do not interfere with life and work.

Cfast orthodontic treatment is a minimally invasive orthodontic braces system that corrects alignment issues with the top and bottom front six teeth, and can level and round out the arches. Cfast can satisfy the needs of the vast majority of adult patients who seek orthodontic treatment. Cfast uses clear braces and tooth-colored wires. The treatment works much like that using a clear aligner, but tooth movement is much more predictable and usually more than twice as quick.

Dr. Elseweifi says that he sees many more adults getting braces today, whether they were unable to get them as children, or had a bit of "relapse" with some teeth shifting after treatment in years past. New orthodontic techniques can make treatment more enjoyable for patients while still being effective. And the newest generation of braces is less painful than its predecessors.


Tags: clear braces, invisible braces, orthodontic braces, orthodontic treatment

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