Brain Tumor Survivor Continues To Share Story Through Blog
Online, June 10, 2010 ( - In July 2006, Skyline 
College Biology Professor Shari Bookstaff was diagnosed with a benign 
brain tumor, an acoustic neuroma. Although Shari was reassured countless times that its removal was routine and that she would be 
fine, complications left her with lifelong challenges for which she never could have prepared. Her life changed drastically, and she has
worked hard every day to regain basic human functions, her dignity,
her livelihood, and her spirit. As a single mother of two wonderful children, Shari owed it to them to do everything she could to reach her full potential. She's not there yet, but she is teaching again, running her own life, and taking care of her children.
She had a book published last year, which depicts some of her basic philosophies of life. Shari doesn't believe in looking for good things to come out of bad situations, but looking for, and accepting, positive things in life in spite of-not because of-bad situations. When Life Throws You Lemons...Make Cranberry Juice! outlines her unique story. She believes in inspiring people-not to gain spirituality-but to work hard for their goals without letting life's 
lemons stop them.
Shari started writing a blog a few months ago, as her story continues. She believes that "karma" is an energy to exude, not an entity that gives something back. By continuing to share her story, Shari hopes to continue to inspire people to persevere-and maybe laugh at themselves a little in the process!
Shari is a Biology Professor at Skyline College, in San Bruno, CA (since 1990), specializing in marine mammals. She founded and ran the
local chapter of the American Cetacean Society from 1999-2006 and she has co-chaired Skyline's Expanding Your Horizons in Math and Science Conference since 1992. Shari currently teaches several online classes,
laboratory sections, and an honors biology section on the functioning of the human brain.

When Life Throws You Lemons...Make Cranberry Juice! can be purchased
online at The Bookstaff Blog can be found at
Tags: Biography, brain tumor, inspirational story, inspirational writing, inspire, perseverance, survival