Brand KC Leverages College Interns to Strategically Grow Team
Overland Park, KS, May 29, 2015 ( - Brand KC’s management team has found that adding new perspectives to their organization consistently results in serious innovation. It is how they are able to dependably produce top-quality results for the products they represent. Benjamin stated that internships have been a powerful tool in attracting the type of young talent that brings creativity to their company.
"It is our goal to keep evolving our team,"
Benjamin, President
“It is our goal to keep evolving our team,” he explained. “We need to always introduce new ideas, so expanding our team regularly is important. It is also how we are able to keep up with the ever-growing demand for our services. We have generally found that young professionals make the best fit for our firm, so we leverage a lot of internships and partnerships with colleges.”
Benjamin also indicated that experience is a relatively minor factor in their hiring decisions. Instead, he and his colleagues search for candidates who would make good cultural fits for the organization. As such they seek people who are energetic and passionate about producing the best campaigns. They will train anyone who fits this description, regardless of existing skillset.
“We try not to limit ourselves based on hard qualifications,” Benjamin added. “So many managers focus on the technical requirements for a job. These are certainly important but they can also be taught. Softer qualities such as interpersonal skills and enthusiasm are far harder to teach to a new team member. Those are what we really look for in a candidate.”
Brand KC’s President Discusses Internships
According to Benjamin, his management team strives to make internships at Brand KC beneficial for the students as much as they are for the firm. He indicated that experience is definitely one of the ways they accomplish this. They try to expose interns to challenges and assignments that will cause them to really grow and learn.
“There is no point in having an intern just fetch coffee and do paperwork,” he asserted. “They are an investment with the reward being an excellent team member in the future. So, it is important to show them the ropes and get them to learn.”
He also indicated that Brand KC places high priority on building the confidence of interns. “We want to encourage them to be the best they can be. Just like with every other team member, we succeed together with interns.”
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