Brand New Quiz Website for Hardcore Sports Fans

A website created for the American sports nerds has been launched by four Danish guys that are crazy about American sports.

In a quiz system, sports fans can battle each other in trivia making it possible to settle who has the strongest knowledge when it comes to NFL, NBA, and NHL.

- Every sunday, when we were watching football together, we always ended up discussing all kinds of topics related to sports. One day, after another discussion of who is right or wrong, we started talking about that there should be a place, where sports nerds like us could settle in a fair way, who is actually the wisest. This lead us to developing Sports-Quiz, says Jonatan Wibe, one of the founders of the quiz site.

Quiz on smartphone, tablet, or computer
The idea behind the quiz site is that people can use it when they need to kill time on the commute, in the classroom, or during lunch break. Therefore the website is designed to work on both computers, tablets, and smartphones.

- Today, many people play games on their smartphone, when they are bored in school or maybe even at the toilet. There it is essential that a website works just as well as an app, so we have put a lot of effort into the responsive design, tells Jonatan Wibe.

The system behind the website
The system is based on head to head battles between users. When one user challenge a friend to a battle, he or she is presented to 5 questions that needs to be answered as quickly as possible. The same 5 questions is sent to the opponent, and when both have completed the quiz, a winner is found based on a point system.

All points are registered on the user profiles, and a ranking system will show, who are the strongest players on the quiz site.


Tags: nba, NFL, NHL, online quiz, SOCCER, sport

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Jonatan Wibe
Press Contact, Sports-Quiz