Brand VS Generics - A War?
Online, April 25, 2013 ( - There has been nothing unusual in our Government's policies and directives aimed towards certain sectors/industries which create a lot of debates and differences of opinion. This has been happening since long. In case of the pharma sector, earlier it was' FDI in Indian Pharma sector', now it is a directive to promote' Generic Drugs against Branded ones'.
More since last year, we have been hearing a lot about the word 'generic'. The Health Ministry's directive to all doctors in the centre and state run hospitals, to prescribe henceforth only' generic drugs'. The Medical Council of India (MCI) has issued a circular stating every physician should prescribe drugs with 'Generic Names'
Brand' is the thing
Let us look into the general fact. In India most people identify a product or commodity by a brand name. Even in the rural belt, people are aware of brand names than the commodity. The 'brands' have created a trust in us. Most of us ask for the brand name when it comes to buying, be it grocery or durables.
Certain brands ( names ) have created so much impact in the minds of people, that the brand and the product have become synonymous. When it comes to drugs (medicines) particularly the 'Over the Counter' (OTC), majority of patients ask for the' Brand'. An average person asks for a Crocin, Combiflam, Amoxil, etc., In general, patients go by doctors' prescriptions in case of scheduled drugs.
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Tags: LifeScienceWorld, on pharma industry, online magazine