Brandon Frere: Be a Better CEO by Bringing Your Best Self to Work

CEO smiling at his desk

Being a CEO is hard work. It takes balance, patience, determination, and much more. CEOs often have endless to-do lists to deal with and spur-of-the-moment projects that they have to tackle or delegate. Their brains are always full of need-tos, should-bes, and will-have-tos as they juggle issues and big-picture planning. Brandon Frere, CEO and seasoned business professional, has some advice to stay sharp in the face of competing demands.

“It’s easy to get overwhelmed at work when everyone needs your attention,” said Frere. “That’s why it’s so important to bring your best self to work so you can handle everything thrown at you and make good decisions.”

That's why it's so important to bring your best self to work so you can handle everything thrown at you and make good decisions.

Brandon Frere, CEO of Frere Enterprises

Being ready to take on the challenges of being the leader of a company may look different for each leader. CEOs might have their own unique routines that put them in the right mindset to make impactful decisions or to simply take on the little things. However, there’s one thing every CEO, and ultimately anyone in the working world can do to prepare for hard work: take care of the self.

Physical and mental health are important for optimal functioning, inside and outside of work. To be one’s best self, it’s important to get enough sleep, exercise, have “me time” and family time, and limit work time. For employees, limiting work time may mean not taking work home, but that’s sometimes difficult for CEOs, especially at the beginning of a company’s lifespan. Instead, CEOs may choose to designate certain days or times of the day when work is off limits, keeping their management team informed of those times so they can plan accordingly.

CEOs may also choose to limit certain mundane activities in the office, such as checking and responding to emails, in favor of other tasks critical to the business. “I like to leave some time unscheduled, too, so I can give ideas I get on-the-fly the attention they might deserve,” said Frere. “I like to think about those things as I’m lifting weights in my office, keeping both my body and my mind sharp. I always feel refreshed and ready to return to work after those sessions, and I encourage others to keep their own health top priority for the sake of their company or work.”

About Frere Enterprises

Brandon Frere is an entrepreneur and businessman who lives in Sonoma County, California. He has designed and created multiple companies to meet the ever-demanding needs of businesses and consumers. His company website,, is used as a means to communicate many of the lessons, fundamentals, and information that he has learned throughout his extensive business and personal endeavors. Most recently, Frere has focused on advocating on behalf of student loan borrowers nationwide.

As he experienced during his own student loan repayment, Mr. Frere found out how difficult it can be to work with federally contracted student loan servicers and understand the repayment programs designed to help borrowers. This firsthand knowledge has helped him gain an insider’s look into the repayment process and the motivations behind the inflating student loan debt bubble. His knowledge of the confusing landscape of student loan repayment became a vital theme in his endeavors and he now uses those experiences to help guide others through the daunting process of applying for federal repayment and loan forgiveness programs.

Source: Frere Enterprises


Tags: best self, entrepreneurship, health, small business owner

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