Bravilor Esprecious Bean To Cup Coffee Machine
Online, July 21, 2013 (
Kenco Local Business Service are pleased to announce that they are supplying the new Bravilor Esprecious bean to cup coffee machine. The Esprecious is a table top, touch screen bean to cup coffee machine that will produce a wide variety of coffee products including cappuccino, espresso, latte macchiato and Americano. It will also create two different types of hot chocolate (with and without extra milk) and offers a hot water option.
The brewer unit operates at 9 bar of pressure which is equivalent to a traditional espresso machine and as such creates a great espresso base for all of the coffee drinks. Kenco Local Business Service recommends Milfresh Gold granulated milk is used in conjunction with this machine in order to give the best possible milk foam for cappuccino. Suchard chocolate is recommended for use in the chocolate canister in order to give the perfect frothy hot chocolate. The milk whipper motor is completely adjustable in order for the technician setting up the Esprecious to get the perfect finish on all of the milk based drinks.
The front on the machine is a genuine touch screen which can be back lit in a larger number of different colours making the Esprecious perfectly at home in the most contemporary of settings. The drink icons can be arranged in any order desired and each drink can be renamed if required. Drink strengths, ingredient weights and whipping time are all completely adjustable allowing for each drink to be completely tailored to individual tastes.
Other optional extras include a base cabinet and a coin pod allowing for the machine to take cash. Bravilor have announced that telemetry is on its way meaning that faults can be diagnosed remotely thereby allowing for technician to arrive with the appropriate parts for a particular fault.
Initial responses from customers are very positive with the Esprecious being preferred to bean to cup systems that use fresh milk. To find out more about the Esprecious please call Kenco Local Business Service on 01494 785808.
For more information on Bravilor Esprecious bean to cup coffee machine please call Kenco Local Business Service on 01494 785808 or email [email protected] . An experienced consultant will be available to provide all of the advice that may be required from
Tags: bean to cup, Bravilor Esprecious, Coffee machine