Break Out and Break Free and Learn to Live In The Body of Joy with Tom Kelly | Encinitas/San Diego
Encinitas, CA, June 4, 2015 ( - Living in the Body of Joy with Tom Kelly, The Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, Ca, Tuesday, June 16 – 10:45-12:15 & 1:45-5:15pm, $100.
Practices to break free of the layers that bind us and illuminating the true meaning of our existence.
Tom has guided me in a direction of love and joy with everything he does. He walks his talk and embraces everything he does with such an open heart filled with a passion for a happy and fulfilling life. I'm so blessed to have found him so so many years ago via the internet.
Mary , Seeker, Yoga Teacher, Student, Marketing
It is said that Yoga is the process of systematically encountering, examining and transcending each level of false identity until the jewel of the true Self comes shining through. The Anandamaya Kosha is considered to be the precious jewel that all Yogis seek to find. It is the drop of divinity that has been encased in this human suit and layered over by each additional aspect of being – the mind, emotions, energy bodies and Karma.
The Anandamaya Kosha can often feel elusive, just out of reach when mired down by life situations; pain, stress, sadness and lethargy However this deepest part of us is where true healing can begin, a place where we can touch into what’s REAL and see ourselves as whole and health-full no matter what the matter is. Join Rev. Tom Kelly as he takes you on a journey into this joyful seat of the Soul offering practices to break free of the layers that bind us and illuminating the true meaning of our existence.
About Tom Kelly:
Co Founder of Soul of Yoga, Soul Center Foundation for Spiritual Awakening, Certified 500 Hour Master Yoga Instructor, RYT, Ordained Minister, Private Counselor.
At the age of 24, Tom Kelly entered the Self-Realization Fellowship monastic Order in California (founded by Paramahansa Yogananda), who’s roots go back to the ancient lineage of Swamis from India. Taking vows of simplicity, chastity, obedience, and loyalty, he spent the next 25 years as a monk deeply involved in meditation and humanitarian service. As an inspirational speaker, workshop and retreat leader he has travelled world-wide teaching the sacred art of Raja Yoga. In the fall of 1999, Tom left the monastic life in order to expand his training and share the fruits of his self-transformation and direct experience of yoga with all.
His Teaching Style: Tom teaches from the heart of his soul, inside out, in order to rivet the body, mind and heart to the goal of yoga – oneness with Spirit bliss. His classes are often described as “Sermons on the Mat.” They are an outpouring of his soul inspirations that not only uplift the vibrations in the room, but are a constant encouragement for his students to stay out of their negative self-talk and into their hearts of devotion. The Shakti energy that the practice of yoga awakens is inexhaustible when one approaches the sacred practice from a place of connection to, and love for Source; radical acceptance of “what is,” loving kindness to the body, and extreme positive focus.
Tom’s flow is a blend of hatha, kundalini and vinyasa styles. Most of his sequences involve core strengthening, sacred vinyasa movement, spinal flexing and twisting. Thus, tremendous amounts of energy are brought into the body temple while equal amounts are released. Tom emphasizes over and over again three key points to keep uppermost in mind. The first key is the heart-soul-Spirit connection. Whether a new or seasoned practitioner of this ancient science of soul liberation, Tom believes no one has the excuse not to make a sincere effort to remember Source during their yoga practice. The second key is the practiced discipline of maintaining complete awareness of diaphragm breathing throughout the class. The mind needs to be tied to a post. The post is breath. The final key is the surrendering of body and mind to the Shakti, or super intelligent cosmic energy, while performing the poses. This is the practice of taking a back seat from “doing” while allowing the soul, heart and energy to lead you through the class. You realize, then, that there is a power greater than you that is living, breathing, moving, and loving you. This is called sacred existence; sacred movement. Tom’s sessions are just not classes; but a co-creative collaboration of divine beings having a body, mind, heart and soul celebration, mixed with fun and joy.
Passion: Tom’s passion is Bhakti yoga — the yoga of intensely loving God-Creator-Spirit, others, and Divine Mother’s creation. This is why he chose the monastic life for 25 years, where he devotionally meditated 3 to 6 hrs a day. In loving God, the cork that bottles up “shraddha” or the heart’s natural ability to divinely love — “love streaming live” — is uncorked. Tom loves to be called Yogi Tom because yoga is single-hearted devotion to the One Supreme Beloved of creation and beyond. “ Tom is just a one heart- track guy riding the soul line all the way to the Divine.”
Whether Tom is teaching a yoga class, giving an inspirational talk, or leading a seminar or retreat, his passion in sharing and communicating the joy of spiritual living and loving God is highly contagious!
Tags: Body, Emotion, Energy Body, Healing, Joy, Karma, Koshas, Mind, Sadness, Soul of Yoga, Tom Kelly, Yoga