"Break Your Addiction To Conflict" Releases With Kudo From ForeWord Reviews

Entertainment exec receives coveted review from nation's premiere nonfiction review source

Break Your Addiction to Conflict: 12 Tools to Quiet the Mind explores the mental struggle that occurs
when our wishes run contrary to opposing demands. For those of us living in a frenetic world, mental
struggle is all too familiar and pervasive.

The author admits that conflict is convenient and easier to generate than implementing a spiritual
regimen to reverse it as a pattern. While habitual conflict may be draining, transformation by
quieting the mind can be energizing. The 12 Tools Snow offers form the basis to move into a less
reactive and more creative lifestyle with emotional balance.

Break Your Addiction to Conflict is endorsed by Stan Tatkin (Wired for Love), Alan Watt (The 90-Day
Novel), and Marc Hyman (Meet The Fockers).

ForeWord Reviews said the book "offers a rich variety of exercises for the reader who wants to stop
engaging in unhealthy conflict."

Break Your Addiction to Conflict: 12 Tools to Quiet the Mind is the debut release of Nathan J. Snow
and the first in an upcoming series that will apply his method to different spheres of life. The author
is a successful west coast entertainment executive and committed spiritual traveler who has been
meditating and exploring transformational practices for over 15 years.

A ForeWord review is considered the most coveted standard review among independently published
nonfiction authors in America. ForeWord Reviews is both a print magazine and online review service
for readers, booksellers, book buyers, publishing insiders, and librarians. ForeWord is published four
times a year and affects the choices of booksellers and librarians across the country who help
millions choose what to read.

The print publication reaches an audience of 20,000 and ForeWord's website receives 150,000 unique
visitors monthly. ForeWord Reviews employs professional freelance reviewers from all over the
United States and Canada. Most of them work at universities or public libraries and many also review
for ForeWord's peer journals--Kirkus, Booklist, Publishers Weekly, and Library Journal. ForeWord's
offices are located in Traverse City, Michigan.

Break Your Addiction to Conflict released January 22, 2013 in print and ebook through Amazon.
Booksellers may order through Ingram.

For more information, visit www.breakyouraddictiontoconflict.com
View the book trailer at www.youtube.com/watch?v=aq9JrBxF3d0


Tags: balance, conflict, pattern, patterns, review, Spiritual, tools, transformation

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