Breakthrough Bookstore Offers A Win-Win For Self-Published Authors

Breakthrough Bookstore is providing a central source for self-published books so the reading audience can discover the gems that await them and the self-published author can have a chance to get noticed.

A Chance To Get Noticed Online And To Change The Perception Of Self-Published Books

With self-published authors producing more and more books every year, the reading audience is discovering that there are plenty of diamonds among them. The biggest problem is having a central source for locating these gems. By establishing the Self-Published Authors Marketplace, Breakthrough Bookstore is providing the solution.

Breakthrough Bookstore was originally established to "open doors to a better life" for its customers with traditionally published books on issues affecting one's life and business. Very quickly, Dannye Williamsen, owner of the online bookstore and a self-published author herself, realized that if she really wanted to assist others in making a breakthrough, she needed to do something for her fellow penmen: self-published authors.

The Self-Published Authors Marketplace section of Breakthrough Bookstore launches its new web site on March 1, 2011. Although the listings are free, Williamsen sought submissions from the authors in order to create a community where everyone is invested in making the S-PA Marketplace work. In other words, a place where everyone is working toward a win-win for everyone.

Publishing Industry statistics recently showed that "about 20 percent of online sales are of titles not available in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Projections are this figure will soon reach a third of all book sales." Creating a special online venue for self-published authors will contribute to their books becoming the largest portion of these sales.

Someone once said, "It is not who you know but who knows you that counts," and getting noticed is the chief issue for most self-published authors. In 2007, the Independent Book Publishers Association reported that small and self-publishers produced 78 percent of all the book titles at that time. With the advent of technology and increased numbers of POD publishers, the numbers of self-published books are steadily increasing. This makes it even more difficult to get noticed in bookstores of any kind where these books are competing with traditionally published "bestsellers," making this new marketplace a breath of fresh air for self-published authors.

The response to this new venture has been tremendous: "Thank you for the opportunity to put my book out where more readers can see it!" - Jeromy Henry [Piñatas From Space! Crazy Games With Cards And Dice]; "This is a wonderful thing you are doing." - Jay Miller [Bingo, the Banjo Picking Bear]; "Your offer is certainly a step I'm grateful to be taking." - Mark McKenna [The Word Gang]; "Thank you so much for your efforts to help self-published authors." - Joseph Allen [The Phoenix: Firestorm].

The Self Published Authors Marketplace welcomes all self-published books regardless of how they were published. The only stipulation is that they be available through because the bookstore operates as an Amazon Associate.


Dannye Williamsen
Breakthrough Bookstore


Tags: authors, Online Bookstore, self published, self-improvement

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Breakthrough Bookstore
1240 Ridenour Blvd NW