Breakthrough Research Reveals Man's Best Medicine

The Power Of proven to be one of man's Best Medicines.

Not only has daily walking been shown to provide obvious physical benefits but on a much larger scale walking has now been proven to support health in every sense...physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, providing you with balance. Walking can be one of your best weapons for fighting off infection, disease, relieving stress, and boosting the immune system.

A recent study has shown us that just a 45-minute walk increased immune activity in the cells by 57%. In another study lab rats were given a chemical that induces breast cancer where half the rats were put in cages with an exercise wheel and the others not. Guess what happened...Yep, you guessed it, the rats who exercised on the wheel had one third fewer cases of breast cancer.

Harvard University shows us another great example where researchers determined that men who walk vigorously daily reduce the risk of prostate cancer up to 88%.....WOW!

A local fitness expert warns not to underestimate the power of walking. Many first-timers who start a new fitness program without the guidance of a professional make critical mistakes; and failure to see the benefit of walking is one that is extremely common.

He explains that daily walking done at the correct times will not only optimize your fat loss but it has also been shown to reduce heart disease, stroke, diabetes, pain, arthritis, and osteoporosis. We have also seen improved sleep, strength, flexibility, stamina, mental clarity, depression, and anxiety.

When starting a fitness program always seek guidance from an expert who has years of experience backed by proven results, one who can outline the best walking protocols for you to follow in order to get the best results possible.


Tags: boot camp, boot camp dover, Chris Gray, dover boot camp, dover personal trainer, dover personal training, kettlebells, Nutrition, personal trainer dover, personal training, personal training dover, weight loss

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Punch Kettlebell Gym Dover
15 Maggies Way
Ste. 4