Brian Sooy Launches New Blog, EntreWorship, for Entrepreneurs

Following the success of Brian Sooy's first book, the author has launched a new blog for entrepreneurs who align their entrepreneurial endeavors with their faith.

EntreWorship is a new venture from author and design firm principal Brian Sooy, based on his observation and experience that "Entrepreneurs tend to be leaders, and not always good followers. It’s not a fault; it’s the way we’re wired. In the tension in between live those who want to live by faith and do work that matters, following their Lord and leading with the gifts and insights they have been given."

EntreWorship will be published exclusively at, an online publishing platform.

I believe the Bible contains much wisdom that is relevant to entrepreneurs. I also believe that an entrepreneurial perspective on the Bible and faith is sorely needed for today.

Brian Sooy, President, Aespire

Launched with three articles, the blog will be published weekly with insights from the author's experience, and occasional guest posts from select guests.

The first three articles published include

EntreWorship writing will  focus on reflections on entrepreneurship from the Bible, and reflections on the Bible from an entrepreneur.

Sooy is the President of Aespire, a branding agency that empowers mission-driven organizations to align purpose, strategy, and communications through design that influences, inspires, and engages the communities they serve.


Tags: Christianity, Entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, Faith, Worship

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