Brighton Publishing releases Christina Scalise's "Are We Normal? Funny, True Stories from an Everyday Family" in eBook

Author Christina Scalise presents one family's lifetime of hilarity, "Are We Normal?: Funny, True Stories from an Everyday Family"—a full dose of the most potent medicine of all—laughter.

Brighton Publishing LLC is pleased to announce the eBook release of, Are We Normal?: Funny, True Stories from an Everyday Family. Author Christina Scalise presents a collection of her family’s most riotous and ridiculous tales—a delightful journey of classic comical moments. Are We Normal?: Funny, True Stories from an Everyday Family is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other leading retailers nationwide. The print version is currently slated for release in late-2014 and will be available through Ingram, the world’s largest book distributor and On-demand worldwide from the Espresso Book Machine.

For many, the term family, evokes strong mental images—a sense of belonging—a deep and unbreakable bond that starts in childhood and matures through life. But for others, like author Christina Scalise…family means so much more!

"Life is way too short, so try to enjoy every minute of it with a sense of humor!" - Christina Scalise, Are We Normal? Funny, True Stories from an Everyday Family

Christina Scalise, Author

Join Christina as she recounts her family’s most ridiculous moments—events that often prompted the use of a familiar phrase—

“You are not going to believe what just happened!”

Join a typical American family as they experience their fair share of life’s bumps and bruises—and along the way—learn the importance of one of mankind’s greatest gifts—laughter.

With a tongue-in-cheek approach, Christina blows the whistle on her family’s own bizarre secrets, and the outlandish events that lead to the occasional emergency room visit.

Soon, readers will understand exactly why Ms. Scalise ponders the single question…Are We Normal?

“Fasten your seat belts and get ready to take a ride with one family as they journey through a life of hilarity,” said Kathie McGuire, director of Brighton Publishing LLC. “Are We Normal?: Funny, True Stories from an Everyday Family pays homage to the classic eloquent humor of Erma Bombeck and her bestselling family tale, The Grass Is Always Greener over the Septic Tank.”

Author Christina Scalise is a certified Reiki Master and Teacher, a professional organizer, and the creator and owner of Organize Your Life and More. She currently resides in upstate New York with her family and enjoys writing, gardening, outdoor activities, and spending time with her family and friends. Ms. Scalise’s first book, Organize Your Life and More, published by Brighton Publishing LLC, is currently available from fine retailers everywhere, and worldwide via the Espresso Book Machine. 

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Tags: are we normal, book, ebook, family, funny, humor, laughter, non-fiction, nonfiction, normal, scalise, true stories

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