Brillertek to launch new Face Recognition software in December

Brillertek has announced the availability of its newest face recognition windows login software, FaceAether Pro.Users can manage their online emails, facebook account, blog accounts, etc by using their faces to login in December.

Brillertek has announced the availability of its newest face recognition windows login software, FaceAether Pro. Featuring the original Windows login and the PasswordManager for all website logins, FaceAether Pro will be available on the market mid of December.

FaceAether Pro is a follow-up to the company's original FaceAether. The new version not only allows users to login windows by using Brillertek's unique facial recognition software, now users can manage their online emails, facebook account, blog accounts, etc by using their faces to login.

FaceAether Pro has the highest compatibiltiy with Windows system. It has been tested on Windows 7. The software is also compatible with both Microsoft Internet Explorer and the Firefox browser. Users are able to login accounts within 1 second by using Brillertek's unique face recognition software. Fast, easy and secure. Use face as a biometric identification has become a trend. Users tend to use their unique face to replace the need of memorizing maze number of codes.


Tags: face recognition, facebook account login, webcam, Windows login

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