Bringing Hope to Ecuador Earthquake Victims

Two months since the 7.8 magnitude Ecuador earthquake destroyed their homes, many living in tents and temporary shelters are still suffering.
Scientology Volunteer Ministers who have responded to the Ecuador earthquake of 2016

A team of Scientology Volunteer Ministers continues to bring hope to those whose lives were shattered nearly two months ago when the Ecuador earthquake destroyed their homes. 

The volunteers are providing relief in Canoa, Chone and Flavio Alfaro—towns that were devastated by the April temblor.  And the help they find most in demand is Scientology assiststechniques developed by L. Ron Hubbard that address the emotional and spiritual factors in trauma and stress.

“Yesterday, I delivered an assist to a toddler with a broken arm,” said one of the Volunteer Ministers. The child immediately felt relief.  Before leaving, the volunteer trained the boy’s mother to deliver the assist. The next time she visited, the mother was so proud—whenever her son is in pain, she is able to do something for him.

Another volunteer delivered assists to two young girls. On their request, she also delivered one to their father.  He told them he is very grateful to the many people who provided his family with water and food so they could survive. But until today, no one had given him the help he needed spiritually. He told them “what you did was priceless.”

In the town of Pedernales, one of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers encountered some children who were still afraid that another earthquake would strike. After their assist they were no longer worried, and promptly went outside to play.

A woman, who had felt apathetic since the disaster, seemed to wake up with the assist she was given and immediately started putting things away and cleaning up her temporary home. “She thanked us and told us we were like angels,” said the Volunteer Minister.

Often, those they help ask the volunteers to explain to them why they feel so much better. They Volunteer Ministers answer their questions and offering to train them to be able use these assists to help others. They find it tremendously gratifying when the people they have helped turn around and begin helping others.

The Volunteer Ministers program was expressly intended for use by Scientologists and non-Scientologists alike. Anyone of any culture or creed may train as a Volunteer Minster and use these tools to help their families and communities. And all are welcome to do so.

Equipped with effective technology to resolve virtually any difficulty, Volunteer Ministers live by the motto: “No matter the problem, something can be done about it.”



Tags: disaster response, earthquake, Ecuador, L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology, victims, volunteer minister

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