Bringing Wellness to Youth

New Alliance Brings Health Consciousness to a New Generation: Youth Wellness Network and pixcode team up to bring wellness programs to College and University Students

Study, work, and lifestyle habits developed during college or university carry forward into the work world and later life. These habits have a major influence on mental, emotional, and physical health, so it is important to lay the right foundation early.

This is the premise behind the Youth Wellness Network (YWN), an organization dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of positive health habits among the younger members of society. To this end, they create realistic, tangible, and actionable tools and programs that youth can incorporate into their lives. Among their offerings is the Exam Stress Reduction Program, which they will be executing on University and College campuses throughout the coming school year.

Michael Eisen, founder of the Youth Wellness Network and McGill University Alumni, believes that the YWN can help students shift their thinking and lifestyle patterns. Eisen says that In order for students to really change their habits and actions they need to become more aware, both of their selves and of the options that they have. "Awareness leads to the ability to choose what options are the best for one's self - and once they make those choices then they start to see significant change in their lives. But without awareness, positive change can't happen," Eisen concludes.

To further this goal, YWN has just entered into a strategic alliance with pixcode, creators of Wellergize and, veterans in the health and wellness field. This alliance extends the range of health and wellness services the YWN can offer, plus brings a technology development team into the mix, allowing them to reach youth via the tools and channels they already use.

Gisela McKay, Managing Director of pixcode, says that from their perspective, the alliance with the Youth Wellness Network enables pixcode to increase the reach of their wellness properties, bringing their underlying philosophy of prevention, recognition, and assistance to a younger audience.

Gisela says, " connects the general population with natural health information and practitioners on their own time and initiative, and Wellergize focuses on Health Promotion and Wellness Programs in the workplace. What we see in the Youth Wellness Network is the opportunity to reach young people before they develop problematic health habits that they will later need to correct - or at least to nip those practices in the bud."

Michael responds, "I am excited to be collaborating with Gisela and the pixcode team. Their experience and industry specific expertise are a perfect match to our new, vibrant approach to inspiring youth."

To find out more information about the Youth Wellness Network and their unique initiatives, visit their website at


Tags: alternative health, complementary health care, Health, massage, stress, wellness, yoga, youth

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