Brisbane Houses Now More Affordable, Rick Otton to Teach Selling Strategies without Price Dropping

Property innovator, Rick Otton, is teaching creative strategies to sell houses without dropping the price as Brisbane houses become more affordable.

Brisbane houses have become more affordable according to the latest quarterly housing report of the Australian Property Monitors that show a decrease of 1.3 percent in the city's house prices. Despite this, however, the city is showing a weak performance in the market due to mortgage repayment pressures.

"People who are selling their homes to get away from their mortgage debt want to sell fast and to sell their property quickly, they discount the price. But instead of selling quickly, they end up contributing to a losing market," property innovator, Rick Otton, said.

Selling Houses without Dropping the Price

Mr. Otton believes there is a way for people to sell their houses without dropping their prices. "Dropping the price doesn't bring in more buyers, because it doesn't make it any easier to buy," Otton explained.

Instead of dropping the price, Rick Otton suggests making a property easy to buy to entice more buyers. "When you make your house easy to buy, it's easy to sell," Otton added.

There are lots of ways to make a property easy to buy. And these will be discussed in detail by Mr. Otton himself when he visits Brisbane this November in his last one-day training seminar.

Last Visit to Brisbane

Otton has been sharing his creative property investment strategies since 2001. He has helped thousands of individuals become successful property investors, most of who are surprised to be able to sell their properties more than what agents are offering them.

C. Eckert from New South Wales is one of Rick Otton's students who benefited from selling a property without dropping the price. "Through Rick's creative strategies, I was able to sell my property on a lease option for $30,000 more than what the agent could get me. All smiles," Eckert said.

To conclude his series of one-day training seminars in Brisbane this year, Rick Otton will be visiting the city in November 4 to share creative real estate strategies and teach Aussies how to sell a house quickly without dropping the price.

Get more details of this event at and find out how you could reserve for a free seat.


Tags: brisbane realestate, how to buy a house for a dollar, installment contracts, property investing strategies, Rick Otton

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