Brits Are 62% Chav According To Official Test
Online, January 6, 2012 ( - Following this summer's riots around Britain, the UK Government has launched a test to assess the true depth of the problem of chav's in society, revealing that on average Bits are a staggering 62% Chav.
Richard Hertz, directory of the newly created Department for the Understanding of Moronic Behaviour (D.U.M.B.) said of the finding that "It was far worse than we expected. In these tough economic times, our society needs the post war character and spirit to get this country back on its feet but in fact we have found the opposite".
The test sampled 10,000 members of the public from all walks of society to assess their attitude to important social issues ranging from the ethics of stealing traffic cones to an individuals right to hit a stranger. Participants surveyed came from all walks of life including a number of well known celebrities including celebrity drug addict Pete Doherty, who scored 99% and well known reality TV star Bob the Builder, who despite common beliefs about cowboy builders scored just 6%.
The findings of the test have led to calls for the Government to track down those individual displaying chavish behaviour and introduce tough penalties, with PM David Cameron soon expected to launch a new initiative to deal with the problem called 'Save the Nations Orderly Behaviour (S.N.O.B.)'. The initiative is said to have received overwhelming support from Tory MPs who are frustrated by the decline of British social values and increasing lack of authority displayed by both Police and Teachers in dealing with anti-social behaviour.
The Chav test is the first of its kind in the world and the government hopes that if successful it will provide a blueprint for other countries to follow. Although the initial survey has completed, the online version is available for members of the public to assess their own level of chaviness at, where they can also see how celebrity participants scored.
Tags: chav, crime, government