Bron Kisler to Facilitate Collaborative Genomics Standards Workshop

The Collaborative Genomics Standards Workshop hosted by GA4GH will be facilitated by Bron Kisler (Nurocor) and Lindsay Smith (GA4GH)

Bron Kisler, SVP Customer Alliances and Partnerships at Nurocor, Inc in conjunction with Lindsay Smith (GA4GH) will facilitate a workshop at the 10th Annual GA4GH Plenary Meeting on Collaborative Genomics Standards Development. The workshop will feature leaders and subject matter experts from several standards development organizations, including CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium), GA4GH (Global Alliance for Genomics and Health), HL7 (Health Level Seven) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization). "We have continued to work across SDOs throughout the pandemic and have developed a Genomics Standards Roadmap as well as a comprehensive cross-SDO standards analysis," said Bron Kisler. "I appreciate GA4GH hosting this important workshop and look forward to meeting face-to-face and discussing the future of collaborative standards development in genomics."

Bron has led cross-SDO standards development since his time with CDISC, and has worked closely with GA4GH for 5-years to align genomics standards activities and processes. ISO SC1 and GA4GH genomics and data standards experts recently completed a joint standards development project focused on Phenopackets - a format for Phenotypic Data Exchange. Phenopackets provide a method for sharing patient-level information securely. This can be useful across many diseases as well as addressing important public health questions. Phenopackets will improve precision medicine for individuals, providing the ability to compare patients based upon their individual characteristics.

"Collaborative standards development is very important to GA4GH," said Peter Goodhand, CEO of GA4GH. "The Phenopackets project was very successful in aligning our standards and development processes with ISO. The collaborative spirit between experts was exceptional. It is incredibly important for SDOs to work together to reduce duplicative standards".

"We are very supportive of Bron's continued leadership in global standards development, especially when it improves the patients journey and enables timely access to life saving medicines," said Alex Lazar, president and CEO of Nurocor. "Bron is a passionate and knowledgeable advocate of data standards across Life Sciences and is constantly striving to bring efficiencies and cost reductions to the Pharmaceutical Industry".

For more information on the Collaborative Genomics Standards Workshop, please see Working Sessions on the GA4GH Events page

About Nurocor

Nurocor helps BioPharma companies digitalize clinical development to improve the quality of medical research and bring new medicines to patients more quickly. Created by a team combining deep industry expertise with a proven ability to bring technology solutions to market, Nurocor pioneered the Digital Data Flow (DDF) as the heart of BioPharma's next gen infrastructure.  The Nurocor Clinical Platform holistically connects people, process, product, and data with a value-based implementation to automate and optimize the schedule of activities from planning to execution.

Source: Nurocor, Inc


Tags: cdisc, clinical data, GA4GH

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Nurocor helps companies like Amgen, inventive Health, Novartis, Pfizer, and Roche bring order to clinical data to improve the quality of medical research and bring new medicines to patients more quickly.

Alex Lazar
President and CEO, Nurocor
106 East Sixth Street (Suite 900)
Austin, TX 78701