Brookwood Partners’ Innovative Solutions for School Districts Maximize Educational Funding

Transforming Surplus Property Into Thriving Communities and Addressing the Housing Shortage
Serramonte Del Rey

Brookwood Partners, a leading real estate development advisory firm, is re-envisioning the way school districts approach land use and funding. With a focus on school districts throughout California, Brookwood Partners leverages its private sector experience to bring innovative solutions to the public sector.

Most recently, Brookwood Partners, working with Jefferson Union High School District (“JUHSD”), received project approvals to provide 1,113 new multifamily residential units, including 150 affordable units, 14,000 square feet of neighborhood-serving retail, and community parks and trails on 22 acres of surplus school property. The urban infill redevelopment project located in Daly City known as the Serramonte Del Rey Neighborhood also includes a 122-unit JUHSD faculty and staff housing project that Brookwood Partners completed in 2022.

Brookwood Partners brings a fresh approach and decades of experience to lead the way in transforming underutilized and surplus property into thriving communities. The firm specializes in urban design, development, and finance, enabling it to efficiently analyze project issues, communicate key considerations to district leaders, and maximize the potential of surplus property and underutilized real estate assets for educational institutions.

The chronic housing shortage throughout California has put immense pressure on school districts to maximize the value held in their real estate assets. As trusted advisors, Brookwood Partners guides school districts through the process of design, entitlements, and redevelopment to unlock the full potential of surplus and underutilized real estate assets.

Chris White, principal of Brookwood Partners, emphasizes the importance of its solutions stating, "Districts throughout the state are realizing the necessity of this type of solution and demand is growing. Our expertise in this area sets us apart as one of the few companies with a proven track record of success."

Brookwood Partners' collaboration with Jefferson Union High School District has been fully supported by both the certificated and classified staff, and highlights Brookwood’s commitment to creating sustainable communities that support education.

Alan Katz, principal of Brookwood Partners, emphasizes the specific obstacles that school districts encounter and the importance of partnering with an experienced and knowledgeable firm. He states, "Many school districts face challenges when it comes to addressing how best to utilize their non-academic real estate assets. They may not be fully aware of the available resources, current state housing legislation or specialized experts at Brookwood Partners that can provide professional support. However, our experienced team and innovative solutions can empower these districts to navigate their challenges and find effective strategies to overcome them."

About Brookwood Partners

Led by Alan Katz and Chris White, Brookwood Partners specializes in providing real estate strategic advisory and development management services to school districts in California. Visit us on the web at

Source: Brookwood Partners


Tags: Affordable housing, Funding education, Real estate development, Surplus property, workforce housing

About Brookwood Partners

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Led by Alan Katz and Chris White, Brookwood Partners specializes in providing real estate strategic advisory and development management services to school districts in California.

Brookwood Partners
200 Lakeside Dr (605)
Oakland, CA 94612
United States