Buffalo Armory Issues Statement on Armor Advocacy and Transparency for Our Police and First Responders

We must take steps to open a dialogue regarding the essential factors surrounding body armor and protection that can no longer be overlooked

We are extremely saddened to hear of the recent loss to NYS Trooper Joel R. Davis, along with 25 other officers who have perished in the line of duty already this year, across the country, as a result of gun wounds.

This kind of tragedy makes us question many things as we all search for answers as to how it could have been avoided. It also demands our diligence regarding how incidents like these are understood, reported, and ultimately prevented.

All too often there is a lack of knowledge and a misuse of terminology which perpetuates a continued misunderstanding amongst reporters, the media, lawmakers, the public, and even law enforcement. We believe we must take steps to open up a dialogue regarding the essential factors surrounding body armor and protection that can no longer be overlooked.

Here's what we know:

• On July 9 when Officer Davis entered the scene of a domestic violence incident, he was wearing his soft armor protection.

• Soft armor protection will only stop fire from handguns.

• Officer Davis was fatally wounded by taking fire from an AR15 rifle.

• In 2016, Governor Cuomo created an emergency grant for NYS police to purchase rifle protected carriers.

Here's what we don’t know:

• Was Officer Davis also wearing his rifle protection carrier?

• If Officer Davis was wearing his rifle protection carrier, was it the right version to protect him against one of the most common rifles in the U.S.?

• Was Officer Davis trained appropriately as to how and when to utilize his rifle protection carrier?

This is yet another death that could very well have been prevented. 

We invite our law enforcement, community leaders, media professionals, and the general public to help us with creating a common understanding and getting our first responders the right kind of protective armor that is independently tested and certified to the highest standards.

Buffalo Armory

About Buffalo Armory: Since its inception in 2011, Buffalo Armory has been committed to education and advocacy for the best possible protection for our law enforcement and military. That commitment also means we are focused on continually understanding an ever-changing landscape of threats and needs of our protectors.


For press inquiries please contact:
​Scott Sulzbach

Source: Buffalo Armory


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