Buffalo Grove Orthodontics Office Fits Free Mouthguards for Athletes
Online, June 18, 2013 (Newswire.com) - Lots of young athletes will be a bit safer while playing sports this summer, thanks to free mouth guards from Dr. Yan Razdolsky.
Razdolsky invites parents to bring their 7- to 13-year-olds to his Buffalo Grove orthodontics office to be fitted for a free, custom mouth guard to protect their teeth while playing sports.
Razdolsky's concern goes beyond children in orthodontic treatment who might dislodge a bracket or break an arch wire.
"Taking a hit to the face from an elbow or a ball can cause lacerations and tooth damage, whether the player has braces or not," Razdolsky said. "We offer the mouth guards to help prevent those injuries."
Damage prevented by mouth guards doesn't stop with lacerations, chipped teeth and dislodged brackets. Wearing a mouth guard that fits securely also protects against jaw fractures and even concussions.
Councils for the American Dental Association suggest people of all ages wear properly fitting mouth guards while participating in sporting or recreational activities that could lead to injury.
Even sports that aren't considered "contact sports" pose risks. Consider these:
• Wild pitch in the batter's box
• An aggressive spike at the volleyball net
• A cleat to the face during a soccer goal attempt
• An elbow to the jaw while blocking a lay-up
Mouth guards come in many varieties, including boil and bite and ready-to-wear stock types, but custom-fitted mouth guards are the gold standard in terms of protection.
"We suggest custom mouth guards because of their excellent coverage and snug fit," Razdolsky said. "But practically any mouth guard is better than none at all. We're happy to check your current guard for proper fit."
Learn More
To schedule an appointment, call (847) 215-7554. To learn more about Forever Smiles or Dr. Razdolsky, visit his website: www.razdolsky.com.
Tags: Buffalo Grove IL, free mouth guards, orthodontist