Build a Business Plan With a New Mobile App

Have a great business idea and ready to get started? The Business Entrepreneurial Stewardship Training Mobile Accelerator will assist new entrepreneurs in building business plans using a new Mobile Business Planning Tool App on smartphone or tablet devices. All graduates of the program will have opportunities to raise seed capital for launching the venture.

Bethel LA CDC in partnership with Centro Community Partners from San Francisco, Comerica Bank Foundation and the Business Entrepreneurial Stewardship Training (BEST); announces the launching of an upcoming winter entrepreneurial training series in (Feb.17-Mar.10), for new entrepreneurs and business owners to promote local new business generation and job creation. The Business Entrepreneurial Stewardship Training Mobile Accelerator is a special 4-week program designed for new entrepreneurs, fledgling business owners, or long-term unemployed who want to start a business to create their own job. Each participant (Enterpriser) will commit to an idea (project) to research, analyze, and to write a Business Plan for a specific type of business; which will then be implemented and executed to generate one new business enterprise. Participants will write their business plans on their smartphone or tablet using a new Centro Mobile Business Planning Tool App. All graduates will have an opportunity to raise capital for their venture. Training is FREE and anyone may apply; however, there is a minimal cost for registration. For more information regarding application and enrollment, call 844.286.3704 or e-mail or visit

Participants will write their business plans on their smartphone or tablet using a new Centro Mobile Business Planning Tool App.

Frank Stokes


Tags: business plan, entrepreneurship, mobile app, startup

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Our Mission is to create success stories by preparing people who have chosen the path and journey of entrepreneurship. The Business Entrepreneurial Stewardship Training (BEST) Programs are designed to provide training, and one-to-one consultati

BEST Genesis
Post Office Box 241527
Los Angeles, CA - California 90024
United States