BullsEye Radio Goes Motown !

From a small internet oldies radio station to broadcasting in Motown's Hitsville U.S.A. ! BullsEye Radio has come a long way in just 6 years.

In 2007, a small little studio was created in upstate New York.
In that studio a man began to broadcast music legally through his computer system, by obtaining a license to stream music across the super information highway , the internet. It started out with many genres of music at first, and just a few disc jockeys, unsure of which route was going to be the settling point for musical genre of this station.

The owner, John Michaels, first began his professional disc jockey career in the oldies genre and had a long career as a professional FM radio on air talent. He knew this probably wasnt going to be an easy thing, to make an internet radio station a success, but nevertheless he put his best foot forward and began. After a few years of struggling with all the other genre's, making mistakes, learning from them, he returned to what he knew the best as the genre he wanted for this station, the oldies.

Piece by piece he built one of the greatest oldies radio communities on the world wide web today. A place where everyone can go and not have to worry about all the typical chatroom banter , and silliness. A place where adults can go, meet people from all over the world, re-live some of those great musical memories, and just relax and have a good time.

The station has become very popular, with great features such as :
* Video Chat
* Games
* Photo Albums
* Video uploads
* Monthly Auction items
* And much much more

Their online talent roster boasts over 20 disc jockeys now. They have a full featured advertising department, a on air talent manager, a online chatroom manager and much more.

This year 2013 is proving to be the biggest year yet for BullsEye Radio with an event about to happen.

One of the great talents of BullsEye Radio has been chosen to literally put BullsEye Radio on the world wide web's map.

An agreement has been struck with Robin R. Terry (Board of Trustees Chairwoman / Motown Museum) and BullsEye Radio Broadcasting to do a live broadcast from studio A , Hitsville U.S.A., Detroit Michigan, formerly known as Motown Recording Studios. This event will happen on Thursday May 9th 2013 from 9am eastern standard time until 3pm eastern standard time during the Retro Rebound Show hosted by BullsEye Radio's disc jockey Jeff Neil.

The live event will include history about Motown and all that it represents and has represented in past years. Such discussions will include the beginnings of people such as :
* The Jackson Five
* Stevie Wonder
* The Four Tops
* The Contours
* And many many more

The live broadcast will also include interviews from people in and out of the Motown spotlight. People behind the scenes that have taken part in making Motown what it is today. Just one of the interviews for example will include Mary Wilson formerly of The Supremes. There will also be discussion of what is in store for the future of Motown as well.

This event will be broadcast worldwide live on BullsEye Radio's internet radio station for everyone to hear nationally and internationally.

After the event, continuing to represent Motown and it's vast array of wonderful memories, BullsEye Radio will be adding a permanent show to it's schedule every Monday at 12:00 noon eastern standard time called " Motown Monday " which will feature many of the artist's named above.

Motown is a household name for millions of people and BullsEye Radio is hoping to make sure that the music that was created for the world by all these amazing talents who worked so hard to please the world, never withers away into the vast unknown depths of time.

BullsEye Radio hopes you will join them & Motown and that you will support them, and listen in on May 9th of this year and relive some of those wonderful Motown memories and continue to listen every week to Motown Monday as well as the many other fantastic oldies shows on the station.

BullsEye Radio broadcasts live 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and features many different styles of music from the 30's to the 80's, as well as offering capabilities to interact live with the on air talent in their live chatroom as well as the many many listeners worldwide, from their website : http://www.bullseyeradio.com

This is not just another internet radio station. It's a full blown community much like FaceBook, but geared more towards the older crowd of folks on the world wide web. Kids, Teens & younger folks today have many many choices on the web and now the older crowd has a place to go to.

BullsEye Radio was just another small little radio station until John Michaels decided he wanted more for this station and pursued avenues that would lead the station to where it is today.
When asked what John was hoping to get out of the station that he built in the big picture, he stated " I want the world and also the entertainment industry, especially the music industry to know that there is a new technology out there that isn't as little as they think. We have a voice, and we intend to be heard"

While the internet is vast, and open to many , you have to wonder how long it will be before someone in a high place somewhere, tries to start to control opportunity such as John is seizing at this moment , and tax it , and lay down laws about what you can and cannot do for people like John.

We must make note that BullsEye Radio is a legally licensed internet radio station paying all royalties through a licensing company named LoudCity LLC which handles all fee's due to artists worldwide.

They are very proud of that.

They feel there are too many small internet radio stations out there today that aren't paying royalties and giving internet broadcasters a bad name. BullsEye Radio supports penalizing those that would try to illegally broadcast copyrighted materials across the world wide web without proper licensing.

Visit them today and see for yourself what the future of music holds and enjoy this wonderful live event.

BullsEye Radio - All Oldies - All the time - When you want the best, Aim for the BullsEye !


Tags: broadcasting, disc jopckey, entertainment, Internet, motown, music, radio

About BullsEye Radio

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John Michaels
Press Contact, BullsEye Radio
BullsEye Radio
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Ithaca, NY 14850
United States