Burton Mills Reports China to Expand Market Access for Investors

With China under pressure to increase access to its markets for foreign investors, Burton Mills says the country will ease restrictions this year.

​Burton Mills analysts say China will vastly increase market access for international investors in 2018 with an emphasis on reducing investment obstacles for the service sector and easing ownership restrictions in others.

Foreign investors who have been keen to grow their interests in China’s thriving financial sector but had efforts frustrated by stringent regulations and ineffective market reforms were encouraged by a senior party official’s promises earlier this year.

European and US-based companies have encouraged China to give more access to foreign investors and allow them to compete on an even footing with local businesses across a range of sectors.

Beijing has announced that it will increase the limit on international ownership in joint venture companies working in the securities, funds and futures markets but did not confirm when the new measures would come into effect.

Burton Mills analysts say that China will guard the property rights of international companies and make sure that foreign and local businesses operate on an even playing field.

Ning Jizhe, vice head of the National Development and Reform Commission and head of the statistics bureau stated that China hopes to draw international investment to its western regions and border areas by offering assistance in the form of financial capital and land.

With foreign direct investment (FDI) rising only 0.3 percent in January on an annual basis, after falling 9.2 percent in December last year, Burton Mills economists say China is facing significant external pressure to attract foreign investment in 2018.

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Source: Burton Mills


Tags: Burton Mills, BurtonMIlls, china, investment

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