Business Checks Seller Announces the Launch of Its New Website and Package Promotion Deals

Computer checks business Print E-Z is announcing the launch of its redesigned and relaunched website, as well as its recently updated package deals for consumers., an expert printer of business checks, invoice forms, receipt books, and business forms, just announced the launch of its newly redesigned website. Available online at, the website launch coincides with other new promotions and expansions lately introduced by the merchant. With an inventory stocked with thousands of new products as well as a new sweep of customer deals and packages, the business checks manufacturer is overhauling its policies and selection in order to provide its customer base with the best possible service.

"We've long stood out as an industry-leading producer of commercial business forms, as well as personal products ranging from holiday greeting cards and custom wedding invitations to elaborate food gift baskets and more. Still, we truly wanted to go above-and-beyond, and recently launched our newly designed website. The website is clean and sharp and, most importantly, features a user-friendly interface that allows our customers to get a good idea of the full scope of our product line. We're proud of our new presence on the ecommerce playing field, and we know our clients will also be satisfied by our updated customer service deals," said Morris Rose, the CEO of

Print E-Z's recently launched line of thousands of new products supplements its previously existing inventory in many categories, including personal and business checks, as well as computer checks and other forms that are specialized for business uses. With its new stock aimed at companies in particular, the printing business offers an extremely diverse product range, with dozens of different options on offer for each product type. Businesses can select from among Print E-Z's forms customized for specialized uses, including gift certificates, invoice forms, receipt books, contractor forms, delivery receipts and other shipping forms, graph paper, business envelope sets, purchase orders, computer forms, accounting and retail forms, and more. Print E-Z is additionally letting its customers register accounts on its site, making it even more seamless to interact with the company and reorder products.

In addition to its expanded product range, Print E-Z also recently unveiled a suite of new customer service policies, designed to help its client base save on commercial business forms and affordable wedding invitations. New customers receive a 20% discount on each order of computer checks, and are also given free shipping on business forms; for optimal convenience, the company now ships orders on computer checks within a 24 hour period. Businesses are also able to add a logo free of charge to their custom forms and receive free envelopes on any check order.

For businesses who need to purchase several items at once, Print E-Z additionally recently introduced its package and starter deal on QuickBooks checks, designed especially for first-time customers. Its selection of package deals includes three unique options, all priced accessibly: Package 1 includes 100 checks, 50 envelopes, and 25 QuickBooks deposit slips for $49.99; Package 2 includes 300 checks, 75 envelopes, and 50 QuickBooks deposit slips for $69.99; and Package 3 includes 700 checks, 200 envelopes, and 100 QuickBooks Deposit Slips for $129.99. The business checks company also supplements its package deals with starter kits, beginning at $99.99, that include checks, envelopes, manual deposit slips, and an endorsement stamp.

To order business checks or forms, visit online at, or call 1-888-246-0635.


Tags: affordable wedding invitations, business checks, business envelope, computer checks, custom wedding invitations, invoice forms

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Morris Rose
Press Contact, Print E-Z - Affordable Wedding Invitations
Print E-Z - Affordable Wedding Invitations
4 North Main St.
Monroe, NY 10950
United States