Business com Helping Growth Companies

This statement was never truer than during a conversation I had with my 6th grader a couple weeks ago.

Business com Helping Growth Companies

This statement was never truer than during a conversation I had with my 6th grader a couple weeks ago. Her 6th grade class is learning to  "debate" issues and the issue of the week was "should girls be allowed to play on boys' teams?"
My daughter, always the feminist, said "heck yeah." But the boys? 
The boys decided that girls couldn’t play on boys' teams because of these (among other) reasons.

  1. It's illegal to hit girls. (It's really illegal to hit anyone, boy or girl)
  2. How would a boy feel if he loses to a girl? (Probably as bad as a girl losing to a girl.)
  3. Girls like to hang out with each other too much. (Yeah, because boys don't ever hang out.)
    The discussion got so rowdy that the boys on one side of the room and the girls on the other were yelling at each other. When the teacher tried to steer them to a different topic, the kids said "No! We're not done yet," to which the teacher asked "what does 'done' look like?"The kids said "when we've convinced the other side we're right." She laughed. She said "we'll go round and round, but I don't believe it'll ever end." I later told her, "Thank goodness it won't ever end. If it did, I wouldn’t have a job."Related Article: Defining Success: What Do Age & Gender Have to Do With It?Discrimination is Discrimination As an employment lawyer, I deal with these questions every day. One of the questions a child had was "what happens if you are trying to keep the team equal and you have a very talented boy and an average girl, but to keep it equal you have to take the girl?" That would be called "affirmative action.


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