Business Surveys Support Singapore Company Registration

Singapore is world renowned as being a key business hub in Asia. Despite its size, Singapore receives valuable recognition from international business-related studies.

Recent releases of global business surveys lend support to the growing trend of Singapore company registration. The new editions of the Global Competitiveness Ranking by the World Economic Forum and the Global Financial Centres Index from Z/Yen Group list Singapore as maintaining its positions of 3rd and 4th respectively. For a small market, relative to international business hubs, such survey results are reward for Singapore's efficient economy and pro-business government policy incentives.

In the Global Competitiveness Report, Singapore's position of 3rd is behind Nordic countries of Switzerland and Sweden. Sweden and the United States (4th) swapped positions from the 2009/10 edition of the survey. This WEF survey considers factors such as productivity, corruption, efficiency, infrastructure and long-term capacity for the jurisdiction to maintain its competitiveness. For the Global Financial Centres Index, which ranks 75 financial centres around the world based on business factors and the views of financial professionals, Singapore is listed as being close to the big three global financial cities. The other three are, of course, London, New York and Hong Kong.

Following are additional examples of studies that highlight the benefits of registering a company in Singapore:
i) IMD ranks Singapore as the world's most competitive economy in its World Competitiveness Scoreboard.
ii) The Index Of Economic Freedom, by the Heritage Organisation, ranks Singapore as the second freest economy in the world.
iii) The World Bank's Doing Business 2010 Report judges Singapore to be the easiest place in the world to do business.

Apart from the recognition as being a leading business hub, Singapore has a high level of quality of life. A recent global study asked participants to choose the country they would most like to live, if they could live anywhere in the world. The results showed that, relative to current population, Singapore's population would grow by a higher percentage than any other country in the world.

For entrepreneurs considering Singapore company formation, the recognition from these business surveys is added support to the actual practical incentives offered when setting up a company in Singapore. Aspects such as tax incentives, labour efficiency and geographical location benefit the immediate operations of the business. Positive recognition of a jurisdiction in international comparisons that include components related to future competitiveness and success help to ensure the longer-term viability of the business.

Recent statistics have shown Singapore to have the fastest growing economy, post recession. No doubt the attractiveness of Singapore as a hub for Asia, and international business, will continue. As will the growth in company registration in Singapore.


Tags: registering a company in Singapo, Singapore business setup, singapore company formation, Singapore company incorporation, singapore company registration, Singapore company set up

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