Buy ENFit Compatible Connectors at Affordable Price

The arrival of neonatal products and ENFit Connectors with excellent features has significantly added to the neonatal safety.

​With abundant of neonatal products available on the market, the neonatal treatment has got just better with time. The latest arrival of neonatal devices have been strategically designed to enhance the safety and security of the neonatal patients. Whether it is NeoMed oral syringes or ENFit Compatible Connectors, the products are compatible and validated in most of the cases. NeoMed Inc. is one such leading supplier of neonatal products such as Enteral Systems, Breast milk containers, supplies and more.

Formed in 2007, the company has gone on to create quality neonatal focused devices uniquely streamlined to enhance patient safety. The major goal of the company was to develop and market a neonatal/pediatric specific safety enteral system that eliminated dangerous misconnection errors commonly resulting from using IV products to deliver enteral nutrition. The products portfolio includes oral/enteral syringes, extension sets and feeding tubes which were meant to prevent inadvertent connections to luer slip or luer locking devices.

The medicinal equipment and other appliances are manufactured keeping in mind all of the recommendation set forth by ASPEN, AAMI and others. Over the years, they have also developed strong rapport with Joint Commission and the USP Medication Safety Forum.

They are constant suppliers of neonatal products such as catheters, kits, urinary drainage catheters, umbilical catheters, insertion kits, breast milk containers and more. The product information can be found on this website or one can learn about the products from the local representative. Being in the industry for more than a decade, they have built a good partnership with national Group Purchasing Organization and IDNs. Additionally, they have agreements with all National Prime Vendors as well as selected regional specialty dealers. Over the years, they have earned a good reputation for their quality products and on time delivery.

For more information on ISO Connectors and other neonatal products, visit

About the Company:

NeoMed, Inc. was formed in 2007 out of the need to create quality neonatal focused devices dedicated to enhancing patient safety.

Source: Neo-Med


Tags: ENFit Compatable Connectors, ENFit Feeding Tubes, ISO Connectors

About Neo-Med

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The clinical world finds a new product that might be of some use for oral and enteral use.

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