By Using Cloud Platforms, Developers Reduce Development Time by Nearly 15%

New Evans Data Survey reveals that developers save significant time by using the Cloud

In a new survey conducted by Evans Data Corporation, developers reported that the use of cloud platforms reduces their overall development time by nearly 15% (on average) - representing time savings approaching one entire day in a typical 5 day work week. The new Evans Data Cloud Development Survey, Vol 2, 2012, an independent syndicated survey conducted last month and just released to subscribers, shows that improvements in development speed and efficiency appear to be among the key drivers motivating developers to embrace cloud platforms as their development environment of choice. Furthermore, developers have reported that they have been able to streamline their development process through the use of cloud platforms, from trimming down the time that it takes for them to procure tools, to standardizing their development environment across multiple teams, to easily passing their code off to the next member of their team. Data from the Cloud Development Survey also show that developers are migrating to cloud platforms at an increasingly rapid pace.

"One of the chief benefits driving the adoption of Cloud is savings in both time and money," said Janel Garvin, CEO of Evans Data. "This is just as true for developers as for other IT users. Configuring complex systems, developing, testing and deployment can all be done in the Cloud with the Cloud vendor scaling the servers, providing load balancing, providing a database, and supplying a host of other services that developers used to have to do themselves."

The Evans Data Cloud Development Survey is conducted twice yearly and examines usage patterns, adoption intentions, and other issues relating to Cloud development such as Cloud as a development platform, Cloud development tools, ALM, Big Data in the Cloud, Security and Governance, Cloud configurations, mobile Cloud clients, and more.

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About Evans Data Corporation
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans' syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects, while private research efforts focus on thought leadership, program and product perception benchmarking, and segmentation.

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Tags: Cloud, developers, Software

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