California: First State to Ban Lead Ammunition

California became the first state ever to ban lead hunting ammo. Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill that is going to phase out lead ammunition by July 2019.

Recently, California became the first state ever to ban lead hunting ammo. Governor Jerry Brown signed the bill that is going to phase out lead ammunition by July 2019. The regulations are going to start by July 2015. The signing of this bill has caused some controversy due to the implications it has on gun rights.

This bill has all been in an effort to help save the population of the California condor. Back in the early eighties, the California condor was nearly extinct. One of the alleged main reasons for their exponential decrease in population was accredited to lead poisoning. It is said that lead remains from the ammunition used to hunt was being ingested by condors and leading to a population decline. It was a difficult allegation to prove because not many carcassas were found however researchers concluded that scavengers would consume this lead from the remains of their fallen counterparts. Today, scientists say that there is little doubt that lead is the primary culprit in the decline of the condor population.

While Brown signed the statement, he stated: "Lead poses a danger to wildlife. This danger has been known for a long time. Since 2007, California has prohibited it [lead ammunition] in the eight counties within the condor range. In fact, at least thirty other states regulate lead ammunition is some manner".

Gabe Dominocielo, COO for, claims that this bill could lead to many legal conflicts as many will be confused over the new law." In California, Fish and Game violations are taken very seriously and having experienced legal help could make all the difference." is a State Bar of California-certified lawyer referral service that may be able to help connect people with an attorney if they received a citation for a Fish and Game violation. Once enforcement of this new bill begins, there is expected to be a slew of new cases involving the use of lead ammunition in California.

Supporters of this bill are excited and claim it will save thousands of lives of not only condors, but eagles and other birds every year. They also claim this will help save hunters and their families from being exposed to lead fragments and remnants from the ammunition. Opposers of the bill argue that this bill was passed with little clear evidence of a problem. They claim this drastic move was implemented before enough testing was completed.

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