California Is A Failing State...Or Is It?

The British American Business Council Orange County, CA is hosting its 6th Annual 'British style' Business Debate in Anaheim on Oct 6, 2011 with the resolution that "This house holds that California is a failing state. Let the verbal sparring start!

81% of California voters think the state's budget woes are a big problem and California is ranked number three in the nation for high unemployment figures, these and similar headlines beg the question, "Is California a failing state?"

Three prominent Orange County organizations, the British American Business Council, Orange County, (BABC-OC) the World Affairs Council and the Orange County Forum will host a dinner debate on the thought provoking and potentially controversial subject of whether the State of California is failing. The 'British-style' debate which encourages and expects audience participation will be held October 6, 2011 8 p.m. at the Hilton Hotel in Anaheim. Four well-versed and credentialed speakers have been selected for the debate panel.

Arguing for the resolution 'This house holds that California is a failing state' will be: Larry Greenfield a Fellow at the Claremont Institute; Greenfield also writes for Orange County based Flash Report and Red Country website and recently wrote an article titled 'Cruel and unusual government, a critical look at our state's finances and public policy' and Brian J. Calle, an opinion columnist and editorial writer for the Orange County Register and a Senior Fellow at the Pacific Research Institute,he is also an Unruh Fellow at the Jesse Unruh Institute at USC.
Arguing against the resolution will be Christopher Lynch, VP for Economic Development and Tourism at the Irvine Chamber of Commerce, and graduate from Georgetown University (Foreign Service) and Dr. Michael A. Moodian, author and faculty member of Chapman University currently serving as assistant professor of Social Science at Chapman-affiliated Brandman University. Lucy Dunn President and CEO of the Orange County Business Council will serve as moderator.

This is the 6th annual business debate now hosted by three organizations and it typically draws a sell-out crowd. "The audience at our annual debate event will enjoy a rousing exchange of views with a decidedly un-stuffy and unpretentious approach," said John Miller, 2011-2012 President of the BABC OC. "California is a place of opportunity, imagination, innovation and natural beauty. Those of us who are fortunate to live here are truly vested in the California Dream, and no matter what the outcome of the debate, I believe Californian's will do whatever it takes to keep the dream alive. Our erudite debate panelists will surely stimulate the thinking and stir the emotions, and I certainly look forward to hearing what they all have to say," said Miller.

Reservations for the 6th Annual Dinner/Debate can be made by contacting BABC OC Executive Director Valerie Blackholly 949-472-2221 or online at .
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Tags: British-American Business Counci, Business, debate

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