Call for Submissions - STYLE & HOME MAGAZINE

Call for Submissions - writers, photographers, artists. Style & Home Magazine, the much-anticipated lifestyle magazine, will make it's official print debut Spring 2016. The magazine's style is sophisticated and contemporary, dedicated to providing cutting-edge style innovations to a print and digital audience. If accepted, your work may be featured on the Style & Home Magazine website and/or print magazine.


STYLE & HOME MAGAZINE Submission Guidelines

Style & Home Magazine, offers their audience a sophisticated combination of style, design, cuisine, beauty, fashion, wellness, inspiration and more.   They pride themselves on highlighting cutting-edge innovations, style and creativity; and love to showcase professionals who share their passions.   They welcome article and photography submissions in any of the following categories:

  • Fashion Trends
  • Beauty Trends
  • Health & Wellness
  • Home Design/Decor – Interior/Exterior
  • Luxury Real Estate
  • Technology
  • Inspiration
  • Culture/Art
  • Philanthropy
  • High-End Automotive
  • D.I.Y. Projects (home, seasonal, event, etc.)

Join Style & Home Magazine in their quest to engage, inspire, and intrigue readers by offering a fresh, modern day infusion of class, elegance, and function.


Featured articles are between 500-750 words. They seek well-structured, insightful, moving, creative, colorful stories on the lifestyle topics listing above. Celebrity interviews may exceed 750 words. Expert advice columns are between 250-500 words. 


Photographs submitted may be published, with photo credit, on Style & Home Magazine print or digital editions.  By submitting photos for consideration, photographer represents, acknowledges, and warrants that the submitted photograph is an original work created solely by the photographer submitting, and that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the photograph. 


Visit the Style & Home Magazine website for submission link.  Submissions should be emailed with the headline “Writer Submission” or “Photography Submission”.  Please highlight television experience, professional and education background, as well as any awards you possess. You may include writing samples and links to your work, blog or portfolio, if applicable. If selected, you will be notified via email, along with an attached release to use your story or photo in their print and e-magazine at a future date to be determined by the publisher. 


Tags: beauty, bloggers, call for submission, design, fashion, magazine, news, photographers, real estate, wellness, writers


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Style & Home Magazine offers a sophisticated combination of style, design, cuisine, beauty, fashion, wellness, inspiration and more in print and digital formats.

Joyce Skarka
Joyce Skarka